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Research progress on the pharmacological activity and mechanism of chlorogenic acid in alleviating acute kidney injury in sepsis patients

Renke Sun1,2, Hui Su1,2, Kecheng Zhai1,2, Yangmengna Gao1,2, Shangping Fang1,2

1School of Anesthesiology, 2Anesthesia Laboratory and Training Center, Wannan Medical College, Wuhu 241002, China.

Address correspondence to: Shangping Fang, Anaesthesiology Experimental Training Center, College of Anesthesiology, Wannan Medical College, No.22 Wenchang West Road, Yijiang District, Wuhu 241002, Anhui, China. Tel:+86-19855362767; E-mail: 20180041@wnmc.edc.cn.

Acknowledgements: This work was supported by Wannan Medical College emphasis scientific research fund (WK2022Z10) and Anhui University Students’ innovation and entrepreneurship fund (S202210368107).

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61189/955623wnfjqd

Received September 28, 2023; Accepted November 14, 2023; Published December 31, 2023


● The pharmacological action of chlorogenic acid was summarized. 

● The mechanism of acute kidney injury (AKI) was investigated.

● The signaling pathways through which chlorogenic acid plays its role in AKI were summarized for the first time.

● A possible new drug for treating a common perioperative complication, namely sepsis-induced AKI, is revealed.


Sepsis-induced acute kidney injury (SAKI) is a serious perioperative complication and a common clinical syndrome characterized by a rapid deterioration in renal function with a high incidence of 70%. The causes of SAKI include impaired mitochondrial function of renal tubular epithelial cells, oxidative stress, inflammatory reaction and renal microcirculation disorder. Chlorogenic acid, as a natural product of plant origin, has various biological activities, such as antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-tumor, and plays a significant role in the treatment of SAKI. This article reviews the pharmacological activities of chlorogenic acid and the signaling pathways involved in relieving SAKI, in order to provide a theoretical basis for in-depth study of the mechanisms underlying the alleviation of SAKI and the confirmation of potential therapeutic targets.

Keywords: Chlorogenic acid, sepsis-induced acute kidney injury, pharmacological activity, mechanism, signaling pathway

Sun RK, Su H, Zhai KC, et al. Research progress on the pharmacological activity and mechanism of chlorogenic acid in alleviating acute kidney injury in sepsis patients. Perioper Precis Med. 2023 Dec;1(3):133-140. doi: 10.61189/955623wnfjqd. 