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Effects of general anesthetics on the cognitive function of pediatric patients: A review

Yunfei Hao1,*, Haoyan Lou1,*, Jingnuo Jiang1, Wenhui Guo2,  Zhanheng Chen2, Bing Xu2

1College of Basic Medicine, Second Military Medical University/Naval Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. 2School of Anesthesiology, Second Military Medical University/Naval Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. 

*The authors contribute equally.

Address correspondence to: Wenhui Guo, School of Anesthesiology, Second Military Medical University/Naval Medical University, No.800 Xiangyin Road, Shanghai 200433, China. E-mail: wendyguo17@outlook.com; Zhanheng Chen, School of Anesthesiology, Second Military Medical University/Naval Medical University, No.800 Xiangyin Road, Shanghai 200433, China. E-mail: chenzhanheng17@mails.ucas.ac.cn; Bing Xu, School of Anesthesiology, Second Military Medical University/Naval Medical University, No.800 Xiangyin Road, Shanghai 200433, China. E-mail: xubing1992@smmu.edu.cn.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61189/284605tsowfy

Received September 26, 2023; Accepted November 28, 2023; Published December 31, 2023


● General anesthetics may cause neurotoxicity.

● Single general anesthesia before 3 years of age does not affect cognitive function in pediatric patients.

● The effect of general anesthetics on the cognitive function of pediatric patients is related to the number of anesthesia sessions, duration and the depth of anesthetic exposure.


The consequences induced by the use of general anesthetics and better options of the drugs in children and infants have been topics of controversy due to the concerns about their potential impact on cognitive function. To address these concerns and ensure the safety of pediatric general anesthesia, this paper reviews existing basic and clinical studies that have investigated the mechanisms of general anesthetics on pediatric cognitive function. In this paper, the basic research on neurotoxicity of general anesthetics and the clinical research on the effects of general anesthesia drugs on cognitive function in children in recent years were analyzed and summarized. Although some of the clinical studies have suggested that general anesthesia in children or infants may cause neurocognitive damage and a series of behavioral complications, the results of the retrospective studies need to be viewed with caution as they may lack effective control for relevant factors that could have impacts in the perioperative period. It remains uncertain whether general anesthetics affect the cognitive function of pediatric patients. Further research is needed to establish clear evidence-based recommendations for clinical prevention and treatment measures to minimize the potential risks associated with the use of general anesthetics.

Keywords: General anesthesia, pediatric patients, anesthetics, cognitive dysfunction

Hao YF, Lou HY, Jiang JN, et al. Effects of general anesthetics on the cognitive function of pediatric patients: A review. Perioper Precis Med. 2023 Dec;1(3):119-132. doi: 10.61189/284605tsowfy.