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ISSN: 3007-0007
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Editorial Board
Xiangbing Shui yangjianbox@163.com

Professor of School of Anesthesiology, Naval Medical University, Shanghai, China

Professor Shui, a senior anesthesiologist and medical education expert, graduated from the Naval Medical University and has been engaged in clinical anesthesia for nearly 40 years. It has an authoritative position in the anesthesia treatment and neonatal resuscitation of patients with multiple organ injury, large area burns, septic shock and high-risk pregnant women, and the treatment of sedation and sleep (without intubation) in pediatric dental caries clinic. At the same time, it has unique experience in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of various pain diseases, intervertebral foramen, radiofrequency pulse and thermocoagulation, plasma, and other minimally invasive spinal treatment techniques, especially in herpes zoster, postherpetic neuralgia, cancer pain, and intractable pain.

During the period, more than 20 scientific research academic papers were published in core journals, and more than 20 teaching papers were guided and published. He presided over one project in the Nanjing Military Region, and won one award for scientific and technological innovation in the Military Region, one individual and collective third-class work. 

Associate Editor-in-Chief

M.D., Dept of Biochemistry, Xian Medical University, Shanxi, China

Justin Wu is the Master in Biochemistry in the Xian Medical University. Professor Wu is currently employed in the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and has an active unrestrictive medical license. He has strong anesthesia skills, especially strong in regional nerve blocks and OB. Additionally, he has published 14 papers in renowned international journals and many conference papers as first author. 

Editorial Board Members
Zhongjun Zhang zzj315@vip.sina.com

Director of the Department of Anesthesiology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China

Professor Zhang currently serves as the Director of the Department of Anesthesiology at the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University. He is a committee member of the Transfusion and Blood Protection Study Group of the Chinese Medical Association Anesthesiology Branch, a standing committee member of the Oncology Anesthesia and Pain Management Professional Committee of the Jiangsu Anti-Cancer Association, a member of the Anesthesiology Professional Committee of the Jiangsu Medical Association, the Deputy Director of Anesthesia and Pain Management of the Jiangsu Province Hospital Association, a standing committee member of the Anesthesiology Branch of the Jiangsu Association of Integrative Medicine, the Director of the Anesthesiology Branch of the Wuxi Medical Association, and the Director of the Wuxi Anesthesia Quality Control Center.

Xuesong Wang victorwxs@163.com

Deputy Director of the Education Department, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China


Professor Wang holds a Ph.D. in Orthopedics and serves as a Chief Physician and Master's Supervisor. He is currently the Deputy Director of the Education Department and the Deputy Director of the Residency Standardized Training Office at the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University. Professor Wang is recognized as a leading talent in the medical and health sector under the Wuxi Taihu Talent Plan and received the "Wuxi Excellent Physician Award" in 2022.

Professor Wang is a member of the Osteology and Arthrology Group of the Chinese Geriatrics Society, a member of the Orthopedic Physicians Branch of the Jiangsu Medical Doctor Association, a member of the Sports Medicine Committee of the Jiangsu Medical Doctor Association, a member of the Sports Rehabilitation Committee of the Jiangsu Rehabilitation Medical Association, a member of the Spine and Spinal Cord Committee of the Jiangsu Rehabilitation Medical Association, a member of the Sports Medicine Committee of the Wuxi Medical Association, and the Deputy Chairman of the Sports Rehabilitation Committee of the Wuxi Association of Integrative Medicine. He is also an expert in the Jiangsu Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Senior Expert Database and the Wuxi Medical Damage and Disability Assessment Senior Expert Database. Additionally, he serves as the Deputy Leader of the Residency Standardized Training Expert Group of the Wuxi Health Commission, the Chief Examiner for the National Medical Licensing Practical Skills Examination, and the Chief Examiner for the National Residency Standardized Training Completion Examination.

As a principal contributor, Professor Wang has participated in three National Natural Science Foundation projects; he has led and completed six provincial and municipal research projects and two university education reform and research projects. He has received three national invention patents, nine utility model patents, and two provincial awards. He has authored three books and published over 20 papers in SCI and core Chinese journals. In the past five years, he has published 11 papers as the first author and corresponding author in SCI and core Chinese journals. Professor Wang currently serves on the editorial boards of the Chinese Journal of Trauma, Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation Journal, and Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Research.

Furthermore, Professor Wang has been sent on government-sponsored visits and studies to the Singapore General Hospital, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, and Peking University Third Hospital.