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Legal norms and compliance supervision issues in metaverse in medicine

张 烽* 

万商天勤(上海)律师事务所,上海 200120

[作者简介] 张 烽,硕士 . 

*通信作者(Corresponding author). Tel: 021-50819091, Email: feng.zhang@vtlaw.cn

[收稿日期] 2024-06-16 [接受日期] 2024-06-26 [发表日期] 2024-06-28 

伦理声明 无。 

利益冲突 所有作者声明不存在利益冲突。 

作者贡献 张烽:撰写、修改论文。



数字技术不断发展,使元宇宙应用与医学研究、诊断治理和健康管理等各类医学活动的结合日益深入。元宇宙 医学在不断提升医学活动效率、改善用户体验和更加有效配置资源的同时,也对法律规范和合规监管提出全新课题。本文简 要梳理传统条件下医学活动法律规范和合规监管逻辑,并对远程诊疗、数字诊疗等新型诊疗过程和医疗机器人、数字人医生等 新型诊疗模式以及其他元宇宙医学活动进行探讨,试图初步归纳元宇宙医学的相关规范与监管规律,对创新完善发展元宇宙 医学法律规范与合规监管提出思考。

The continuous development of digital technology has deepened the integration of metaverse applications with various medical activities such as medical research, diagnostic governance, and health management. Metaverse in medicine is constantly improving the efficiency of medical activities, improving user experience, and allocating resources more effectively. At the same time, it has also raised new challenges for legal norms and compliance supervision. This article briefly reviews the legal norms and compliance regulatory logic of medical activities under traditional conditions. It also discusses new models of diagnosis and treatment such as remote diagnosis and digital diagnosis, as well as new models of medical robots and digital doctors, and other medical activities in the metaverse. It attempts to initially summarize the relevant norms and regulatory patterns of metaverse in medicine, and proposes thoughts on innovating and improving the legal norms and compliance supervision of metaverse in medicine.

关键词/Keywords: 元宇宙;元宇宙医学;法律规范;合规监管 / metaverse; metaverse in medicine; legal norms; compliance supervision

张烽 . 元宇宙医学法律规范与合规监管问题[J]. 元宇宙医学,2024,1(2):53-59. 

ZHANG F. Legal norms and compliance supervision issues in metaverse in medicine[J]. Metaverse Med,2024,1(2):53-59. 
