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Endless possibilities in academia

ISSN: 3006-4236
主编: 白春学,顾建英
Editor-in-Chief: Chunxue Bai, Jianying Gu
投稿/Submit 审稿/Review
常见问答/Common Q&A

Q: 邀请稿件需要支付版面费吗?/Do I have to pay a fee for my invited article?

A: 无需付费。邀请稿件同样需要经过查重和专业同行评审流程,如果稿件最终被接受,可免除版面费。/

No. The invited manuscripts still have to pass the iThenticate plagiarism checking and go through peer-review process. If your paper is finally accepted, the publication fee will be finally waived.

Q: 审查过程需要多长时间?/How long does the review process take?


一般来说,如果一切正常,专业评审的周期大约为45天,这取决于专业评审的速度。如果文章不符合本刊的基本要求,很可能在两周左右被拒稿。具体来说,初步审查期约为一个月。一旦您的稿件被接受,我们的制作团队将在收到出版费后开始制作PDF校样(约3 - 5周),并在确认校样后3 - 5周左右发表稿件。


Generally, the review cycle, which is depended on the speed of professional review, is about 45 days if everything goes well. If the article doesn’t satisfy the basic requirements of our journal and it is much likely to be rejected in around two weeks. To be specific, the preliminary review period lasts about one month. Once your manuscript is accepted, our Production Team will begin to make the PDF proof (about 3-5 weeks) after receiving the publication fee, and the manuscript will be published about 3-5 weeks after the confirmation of the proof.

如有其他问题,请通过电子邮件与我们联系。 If you have any other questions, please contact us via Email.