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Constructing future medical experience: innovative hardware and interactive technology of metaverse medical platform


南京栢拓视觉科技有限公司,南京 210019

[作者简介] 甘舜轩 . 

* 通信作者(Corresponding author):Tel:025-58715810, E-mail:33971873@qq.com

[收稿日期] 2024-06-16 [接受日期] 2024-06-23 [发表日期] 2024-06-28

伦理声明  无。 

利益冲突  所有作者声明不存在利益冲突。 

作者贡献  甘舜轩:撰写论文,修改论文。



随着数字技术的飞速发展,元宇宙医学平台正逐步成为现实,融合了虚拟现实(virtual reality, VR)、增强现实 (augmented reality, AR)、3D 建模等技术,为医疗行业带来了革命性的变化。本文综述了元宇宙医学平台的创新硬件技术和交互体验,首先探讨了硬件入口建设的价值,包括沉浸式体验和提高手术精确度的 AR 技术。其次,分析了人机交互的目标和实现方法,包括手势、眼动、语音和意念交互。再次,讨论了虚拟形象在人人交互中的应用,以及引导性、一致性和准确性对用户体验的重要性。最后,对元宇宙医学平台的未来趋势进行了预见性分析,并提出了实现方法和标准制定的建议。本文旨在为医疗专业人员和研究人员提供一个关于元宇宙医学平台发展的全面视角。

This review synthesizes the innovative hardware technologies and interactive experiences of metaverse medical  platforms. With the rapid development of digital technology, metaverse medical platforms are gradually becoming a reality, integrating  technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and 3D modeling, bringing revolutionary changes to the medical  industry. The article first explores the value of hardware entry construction, including immersive experiences and AR technology that  improves the accuracy of surgical operations. It then analyzes the objectives and implementation methods of human-computer  interaction, including gesture, eye tracking, voice, and brain-computer interface interactions. The paper also discusses the application  of avatars in person-to-person interaction, as well as the importance of guidance, consistency, and accuracy to user experience. Finally, it provides a prospective analysis of the future trends of metaverse medical platforms and suggests methods and standards for  implementation. This article aims to provide medical professionals and researchers with a comprehensive perspective on the  development of metaverse medical platforms.

关键词/Keywords: 元宇宙医学平台;人机交互;虚拟现实;增强现实;数据可视化;个性化医疗 / metaverse medical platform; human-computer interaction; virtual reality; augmented reality; data visualization; personalized healthcare

甘舜轩 . 构建未来医疗体验:元宇宙医学平台的创新硬件与交互技术[J]. 元宇宙医学,2024,1(2):16-22. 

GAN S X. Constructing future medical experience: innovative hardware and interactive technology of metaverse medical platform [J]. Metaverse Med, 2024, 1(2):16-22.
