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Application of metaverse technology in medical quality control

宋元林 1,2 ,宋振举 3 ,钱菊英 4 ,蒋维芃 1 ,白春学 1,2,5,6* 

1. 复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸与危重症医学科,上海 200032 

2. 上海市呼吸病研究所,上海 200032 

3. 复旦大学附属中山医院急诊科,上海 200032 

4. 复旦大学附属中山医院心内科,上海 200032 

5. 上海呼吸物联网医学技术工程研究中心,上海 200032 

6. 国际元宇宙医学联盟,苏州 215163

[作者简介] 宋元林,主任医师 . E-mail:song.yuanlin@zs-hospital.sh.cn 

* 通信作者(Corresponding author). Tel:021-64041990, E-mail:bai.chunxue@zs-hospital.sh.cn

[收稿日期] 2024-06-18 [接受日期] 2024-06-23   [发表日期]   2024-06-28

伦理声明  无。 

利益冲突  所有作者声明不存在利益冲突。

作者贡献  宋元林、宋振举、钱菊英、蒋维芃:调研和检 索文献、撰写论文、修改论文;白春学:选题、撰写论文、修改 论文。



医疗质量控制对提升医疗服务、保障患者权益以及提高医疗效率至关重要。它如同一把精准的标尺,衡量每个医疗环节的达标情况。通过质量控制,能及时发现并纠正问题,包括诊断准确性、治疗适当性、用药合理性等,确保医疗服务的安全、有效、适宜和连贯。然而,当前医疗质量控制面临很多难点:(1)数据收集和处理工作量大,医疗数据种类多、来源复杂且分散,难以整合;(2)数据分析和利用困难,需要专业医疗人员解读、发现问题并提出改进方案;(3)质量控制监管不到位,需要完善医疗质量管理体系;(4)持续改进难度大,要求医疗机构有持续改进的动力和能力,并应用新技术赋能质量控制。将元宇宙去中心化数据共享技术应用于医疗质控,是医疗领域的一个重大创新。通过建立完善的质控体系,简化流程,强化监管,并大力提升质控人员素质,加强信息管理和效果评估,结合元宇宙技术的实时监控反馈优势,从而全面提升医疗服务质量:(1)构建去中心化医疗质控平台,实现医疗数据的实时采集、传输与分析,保障医疗质量实时监控与反馈;(2)利用去中心化技术优化医疗流程,提升效率并降低错误率;(3)实施远程医疗质控,让专家远程指导基层医疗工作;(4)深度挖掘与分析医疗质量数据, 发现规律并为持续改进提供依据;(5)开展医疗质量教育与培训,提升医护人员的质量意识与技能;(6)进行医疗质量预测与预警,实时分析数据,把握质量趋势。尽管物联网和元宇宙去中心化技术为医疗质控带来了新的机遇,仍存在技术不成熟、用户接受度低、数据安全与隐私保护以及使用成本等挑战。

Medical quality control is very important to improve medical services, protect patients' rights and interests, and  improve medical efficiency. It is like a precise ruler to measure whether each medical procedure meets the standards. Through quality  control, problems can be found and corrected in a timely manner, such as diagnostic accuracy, treatment appropriateness, medication  rationality, etc., to ensure the safety, effectiveness, appropriateness and consistency of medical services. However, at present, medical  quality control faces many difficulties: (1) data collection and processing are challenging, medical data are diverse, complex and  scattered, and integration is difficult; (2) data analysis is difficult to use, and professional medical personnel need to interpret it in order  to find problems and propose improvement plans; (3) quality control supervision is not in place, and the medical quality management  system needs to be improved, and the investment is large; (4) It is difficult to make continuous improvement, which requires medical  institutions to have the motivation and ability to continuously improve, and apply new quality control technologies that keep pace with the times. For example, the application of metaverse decentralized data sharing technology to medical quality control is a major  innovation in the medical field, which can comprehensively improve the quality of medical services by establishing a sound quality  control system, simplifying processes, strengthening supervision, and vigorously improving the quality of quality control personnel, strengthening information management and effect evaluation, and combining the real-time monitoring and feedback advantages of  metaverse technology: (1) build a decentralized medical quality control platform to realize real-time collection, transmission and  analysis of medical data, and ensure real-time monitoring and feedback of medical quality; (2) using decentralized technology to  optimize medical processes, improve efficiency and reduce error rates; (3) implement telemedicine quality control, so that experts can  remotely guide primary medical work; (4) in-depth mining and analysis of medical quality data, discovering patterns and providing  basis for continuous improvement; (5) carry out medical quality education and training to improve the quality awareness and skills of  medical staff; (6) carry out medical quality prediction and early warning, analyze data in real time, and grasp the quality trend. Although the Internet of Things and metaverse decentralization technology have brought new opportunities for medical quality control, there are still some challenges, such as immature technology, low user acceptance, data security and privacy protection, and cost.

关键词/Keywords: 医疗质量控制;物联网;元宇宙;人工智能;机器学习 / medical quality control; Internet of Things; metaverse; artificial intelligence; machine learning

宋元林,宋振举,钱菊英,等 . 元宇宙技术在医疗质量控制中的应用[J]. 元宇宙医学,2024,1(2):1-8. 

SONG Y L, SONG Z J, QIAN J Y, et al. Application of metaverse technology in medical quality control[J]. Metaverse Med, 2024, 1(2):1-8.
