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Lung cancer screening and management in the metaverse era

王 源 1 ,杨达伟 1,2,3,4,5 ,白春学 1,2,3,4,6* 

1. 复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸与危重症医学科,上海 200032 

2. 复旦大学附属中山医院厦门医院呼吸与危重症医学科,厦门 361015 

3. 上海呼吸物联网医学工程技术研究中心,上海 200032 

4. 上海市呼吸病研究所,上海 200032 

5. 中国肺癌防治联盟,上海 200032 6. 国际元宇宙医学协会,苏州 215163

[作者简介] 王 源,硕士生 . E-mail:wangyuan011022@163.com 

* 通信作者(Corresponding author). Tel:021-64041990, E-mail:bai.chunxue@zs-hospital.sh.cn

[收稿日期] 2024-06-10 [接受日期] 2024-06-20 [发表日期] 2024-06-28

[基金项目]国家自然科学基金(82170110),上海市浦江人才计划(20PJ1402400),上海市健康科普人才能力提升专项(青年英才)(JKKPYC- 2023-A20),2020年度上海工程技术研究中心建设项目(20DZ2254400),福建省自然科学基金项目(2022D014). Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (82170110), Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program (20PJ1402400), Project of Promoting Ability of Medical Science Popularization for Young Talents in Shanghai (JKKPYC-2023-A20), Project of Establishment of Shanghai Engineering Technology Research Center in 2020(20DZ2254400), Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province(2022D014).

伦理声明  无。 

利益冲突  所有作者声明不存在利益冲突。 

作者贡献  王源:撰写论文,杨达伟、白春学:修改论文。

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61189/023188wptjms


面对国内肺癌的高发病率和死亡率,以及人工阅片可能导致的过度治疗和延误诊断等弊端,白春学教授带领团队明确了肺癌筛查的标准和目标人群,并提出使用人工智能技术来解决人工阅片的弊端。然而,人工智能技术存在数据中心化、无法共享等问题;元宇宙医学的出现,为解决这些问题提供了新的可能性。2022年,元宇宙医学联盟(IAMM)正式成立,白教授出任元宇宙医学创立大会主席,并带领团队先后出版了《未来以来——我们需要的元宇宙医学》和《元宇宙医学》。白教授在书中阐述了元宇宙医学赋能肺癌筛查和管理的愿景,并创立了临床电子健康杂志(Clinical eHealth, CEH)。未来,应推广应用PNapp5A、人机多学科诊疗(MDT)和元宇宙技术,提高肺癌的筛查和管理水平,实现“名医治未病,元医惠众生”的愿景。

Faced with the high incidence and mortality rates of lung cancer domestically, as well as issues such as overtreatment and delayed diagnosis during manual image interpretation, Professor Bai Chunxue led a team to establish clear screening  criteria and target populations for lung cancer. They proposed using artificial intelligence (AI) to mitigate the shortcomings of manual  image reading. However, AI also faces challenges such as data centralization and lack of sharing, which need to be further addressed. The emergence of the metaverse medicine provides a potential solution to these issues. In 2022, the International Alliance of Metaverse  Medicine (IAMM) was formally established, with Professor Bai serving as the inaugural chairman of the Metaverse Medicine Founding  Conference. Subsequently, he and his team published two seminal works, titled Future Come: Metaverse Medicine We Need and  Metaverse Medicine, elaborating on the vision of metaverse medicine empowering lung cancer screening and management. They also  founded the Clinical eHealth (CEH). We should further promote the application of PNapp5A, human-machine MDT, and metaverse  empowerment to enhance the level of lung cancer screening and management, realizing the vision of “preventing disease by famous doctors, and wisdom of metaverse for all”.

关键词/Keywords: 肺癌;人工智能;元宇宙;筛查和管理 / lung cancer; artificial intelligence; metaverse; screening and management

王 源,杨达伟,白春学 . 元宇宙时代的肺癌筛查与管理[J]. 元宇宙医学,2024,1(2):13-15. 

WANG Y, YANG D W, BAI C X. Lung cancer screening and management in the metaverse era[J]. Metaverse Med, 2024, 1(2):13-15
