With the rapid development of biomedical engineering technology, assisted rehabilitation exoskeleton robots have emerged as a research hotspot in the field of rehabilitation medicine. We summarize the current research status and scientific progress of assisted rehabilitation exoskeleton robots both domestically and internationally, covering aspects such as design concepts, working principles, main types, technical equipment, and clinical applications. Simultaneously, recognizing that there is still a long journey ahead before they reach maturity, and considering the evolving Internet of Things, the emergence of artificial intelligence and metaverse technology, we explore the potential for integrating these technologies with rehabilitation medicine, thereby presenting new opportunities for the advancement of assisted rehabilitation exoskeleton robots.
关键词/Keywords: 辅助康复外骨骼机器人;元宇宙医学;物联网医学;研究现状;研究展望/assisted rehabilitation exoskeleton robot; metaverse in medicine; IOT in medicine; research status; research prospects