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The significance and prospect of metaverse empowering health management


1. 复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸与危重症医学科,上海 200032 

2. 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院呼吸内科,杭州 310003

[作者简介] 白春学,教授、主任医师 . 

* 通信作者(Corresponding author). Tel: 021-64041990, E-mail: bai.chunxue@zs-hospital.sh.cn

[收稿日期] 2024-09-20 [接受日期] 2024-09-29 [发表日期] 2024-09-30

[基金项目] 上海市科学技术委员会项目基金(21DZ2200600). Supported by Fund of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Science and Technology (21DZ2200600).

伦理声明 无。 

利益冲突 所有作者声明不存在利益冲突。

作者贡献 白春学:选题、撰写、修改、定稿;王悦虹、蒋 维芃:撰写,查核文献。

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61189/177384xuohkl



Health management aims to prevent diseases and improve quality of life by comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and evaluating the health status of individuals or groups. The application of metaverse technology can further enhance the  comprehensiveness, accuracy, interactivity, innovation, and personalization of health management, providing better health protection  for human. However, it is also necessary to note that metaverse technology may have problems such as data privacy and technical  thresholds during application, which require corresponding measures to prevent and solve.

关键词/Keywords: 健康管理;虚拟现实;增强现实;人工智能;物联网;元宇宙医学 / health management; virtual reality; augmented reality; artificial intelligence; internet of things; metaverse in medicine

白春学,王悦虹,蒋维芃 . 元宇宙赋能健康管理的意义及展望[J]. 元宇宙医学,2024,1(3):16-21. 

BAI C X,WANG Y H,JIANG W P. The significance and prospect of metaverse empowering health management[J]. Metaverse  Med, 2024, 1(3):16-21.
