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ISSN: 3006-4236
收录于: EuroPub, Crossref, Dimensions
Indexed in: EuroPub, Crossref, Dimensions
主编: 白春学,顾建英
Editor-in-Chief: Chunxue Bai, Jianying Gu
投稿/Submit 审稿/Review
Issue 1, 综述/Review
Current status and prospects of digital human GPT in medicine

韦 球 1,蒋维芃 2,杨超勉 1,白春学 2

1. 南宁市第一人民医院呼吸与危重症医学科,南宁 530022

2. 复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸与危重症医学科,上海 200032

[作者简介] 韦  球, 博士, 副主任医师. E-mail: weiqiu2017@163.com 

* 通信作者(Corresponding author). Tel: 021-64041990, E-mail: bai.chunxue@zs-hospital.sh.cn

[收稿日期] 2024-02-28 [接受日期] 2024-03-25 [发表日期] 2024-03-28

[基金项目] 上海市健康科普人才能力提升专项 (JKKPYC-2023-A20), 上海市科学技术委员会上海工程技术研究中心建设计划 (20DZ2254400), 上海市科技创新行动计划 (21DZ2200600), 上海市市级科技重大专项 (ZD2021CY001), 上海市临床重点专科建设项目 (shslczdzk02201), 南宁市公立医院高质量发展项目 (南宁市呼吸系统疾病防治体系建设项目). Supported by Project of Promoting Ability of Medical Science Popularization for Young Talents in Shanghai (JKKPYC-2023-A20), Establishment of Shanghai Engineering Technology Research Center of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (20DZ2254400), Shanghai Action Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation (21DZ2200600), The Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project (ZD2021CY001), Shanghai Municipal Key Clinical Specialty (shslczdzk02201), High-quality Development Projects of Public Hospitals in Nanning (Construction of Respiratory Disease Prevention and Control in Nanning).

伦理声明    无。 

利益冲突    所有作者声明不存在利益冲突。 

作者贡献    韦球:论文撰写;蒋维芃:论文修改;杨超勉: 论文修改;白春学:文章选题。


综述 |Published on: 28 March 2024

[Metaverse in Medicine] 2024; 1 (1): 43-51

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61189/059703zeipzv
Current status and application prospect of medical GPT


1. 中国信息通信研究院,北京 100191

2. 复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸及危重症医学科,上海 200032

[作者简介] 张宇鸣, 硕士. E-mail: 13901725500@139.com

* 通信作者(Corresponding author). Tel: 021-64041990, E-mail: bai.chunxue@zs-hospital.sh.cn

[基金项目] 上海市健康科普人才能力提升专项(JKKPYC-2023-A20), 上海市科学技术委员会上海工程技术研究中心建设计划(20DZ2254400), 上海市科技创新行动计划(21DZ2200600), 上海市市级科技重大专项(ZD2021CY001), 上海市临床重点专科建设项目(shslczdzk02201). Supported by Project of Promoting Ability of Medical Science Popularization for Young Talents in Shanghai (JKKPYC-2023-A20), Establishment of Shanghai Engineering Technology Research Center of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (20DZ2254400), Shanghai Action Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation (21DZ2200600), The Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project (ZD2021CY001), Shanghai Municipal Key Clinical Specialty (shslczdzk02201).

[收稿日期] 2024-03-15 [接受日期] 2024-03-25 [发表日期] 2024-03-28

伦理声明    无。

利益冲突    所有作者声明不存在利益冲突。

作者贡献    张宇鸣:论文撰写、修改;白春学:文章选题。

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61189/957409nduxxq

综述 |Published on: 28 March 2024

[Metaverse in Medicine] 2024; 1 (1): 52-58

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61189/957409nduxxq