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ISSN: 3006-4236
Editor-in-Chief: Chunxue Bai, Jianying Gu
Email: metaversemed@zentimecorp.com
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白春学/Chunxue Bai

复旦大学附属中山医院/Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China,上海呼吸病研究所/The Institute of Respiratory Diseases of Fudan University, Shanghai, China





担任《元宇宙医学》(Metaverse in Medicine)、《临床电子健康》(Clinical e-Health)、《医学前沿》(Frontiers in Medicine)呼吸研究领域主编,担任《美国生理学杂志:肺细胞和分子生理学》(AJP-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology)副主编。



Chief Physician 


Doctoral Supervisor

Lifetime Honorary Professor of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University

Dr. Bai currently serves as the Director of the Shanghai Respiratory Research Institute, Director of the Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Internet of Things for Respiratory Medicine, Chairman of the International Association for Metaverse in Medicine (IAMM), Chairman of the Chinese Alliance Against Lung Cancer, and President of the Shanghai Association of Tobacco Control.

Besides, he also serves as the Editor-in-Chief for "Metaverse in Medicine", "Clinical e-Health", and "Frontiers in Medicine" in the respiratory research section, and as the Associate Editor for the "American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology."

Dr. Bai has led numerous major and key projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, held 46 authorized patents, and led the development of 30 domestic and international consensus guidelines. He has published over 700 academic papers, including more than 300 SCI articles, with nearly 20,000 citations and an h-index of 55. He has edited 10 monographs in both Chinese and English, including "The Future is Now - The Metaverse Medicine We Need", "Internet of Things in Medicine", and "Modern Respiratory Medicine".

Dr. Bai has received several honors and awards, including the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, the First Prize of Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award, and the Asia Pacific Society of Respirology Medal.

顾建英/Jianying Gu

复旦大学附属中山医院/Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China



Chief Physician


Doctoral Supervisor

Dr. Gu is currently the Chief Physician of the Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery at Zhongshan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University, and member of the Orthopaedic Society, the Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology Society, and the Laser Aesthetics Society of the Chinese Medical Association. She is Vice-Chairman of the Plastic and Cosmetology Special Committee of the Chinese Association of Women Physicians, Vice-Chairman of the First Council of the Precision and Digital Medicine Branch of the China Plastic and Cosmetic Association, Vice-Chairman of the Plastic Surgery Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association, and the Plastic Surgery Branch of the Shanghai Medical Doctor Association Member and Secretary. She also works as deputy editor-in-chief of "Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery".

名誉主编/Editor-in-Chief Emeritus
樊嘉/Jia Fan

复旦大学附属中山医院/Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China



Dr. Fan currently serves as the President of Zhongshan Hospital, Executive Vice President of the Liver Cancer Institute of Fudan University, Director of the Organ Transplant Center of Fudan University, Director of the Shanghai Clinical Medical Center for Liver Cancer, Director of the Shanghai Institute of Liver Diseases, Chairman of the Liver Surgery Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association Surgical Branch, Executive Director of the China Anti-Cancer Association, and Executive Director of the Chinese Medical Association. In addition, he has served as Chairman of the Tumor Branch of the Chinese Medical Association and Chairman of the Liver Cancer Professional Committee of the China Anti-Cancer Association.


Dr. Fan has been awarded titles such as "National Model Worker", "Advanced Individual in the National Health System Pioneer Competition", "Top Ten Outstanding Scientific and Technological Workers in China", "Top Ten Favorite Health Guardians in China", "Outstanding Hospital President", "Shanghai Model Worker", and "Top Ten Family Doctors in Shanghai". Additionally, he has received the Shanghai Benevolent Physician Award, the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Scientific and Technological Progress Award, the Tan Jiazheng Life Science Clinical Medicine Award, the National Outstanding Teacher- Baosteel Outstanding Education Award, and the Excellent Hospital President Award for Health Promotion.


Dr. Fan is a technology elite in Shanghai, one of the first batch of leading talents in Shanghai, an outstanding discipline leader in Shanghai, a young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions recognized by the Ministry of Health of China, and enjoys a special subsidy from the State Council.

杨雄里/Xiongli Yang

复旦大学/Fudan University, Shanghai, China


复旦大学教授、博士研究生导师、神经生物学家。 1941年出生,1963年毕业于上海科技大学生物系,1991年当选为中国科学院院士,2006年当选为发展中国家科学院院士(TWAS)。现任脑科学研究院学术委员会主任,《辞海》副总主编,国际学术杂志Progress in Neurobiology顾问编委。曾任中科院上海生理研究所所长,复旦大学神经生物学研究所所长,复旦大学脑科学研究院院长,中国生理学会理事长,《生理学报》《中国神经科学杂志》主编,Journal of Physiological Sciences 顾问编委,亚大地区生理学联合会秘书长、国家重点基础研究计划划(973项目)脑功能和脑重大疾病的基础研究首席科学家。


Doctoral Supervisor



Professor Yang was born in 1941. He graduated from the Department of Biology at ShanghaiTech University in 1963. In 1991, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and in 2006, he was elected as an academician of the World Academy of Sciences.


Currently, Professor Yang serves as the Director of the Academic Committee of the Institutes of Brain Science at Fudan University, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of "Cihai", and Editorial Board Member of "Progress in Neurobiology".


He has previously held positions such as Director of the Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Director of the Institute of Neurobiology at Fudan University, Dean of the Institutes of Brain Science at Fudan University, Chairman of the Chinese association for Physiological Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of "Acta Physiologica Sinica" and " Neuroscience Bulletin", Editorial Board Member of "Journal of Physiological Sciences", Secretary-General of the Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies, and Chief Scientist of the National Key Basic Research Program of China -- "Basic Research on Brain Function and Major Brain Diseases".

钟南山/Nanshan Zhong

广州医科大学附属第一医院/The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China




Doctoral Supervisor

Renowned Respiratory Medicine Specialist


Dr. Zhong, one of the first national-level experts with outstanding contributions, has been appointed successively as a medical consultant for the World Health Organization, a special member of the American Thoracic Society and a member of the Asia-Pacific Executive Committee


He currently serves as an academician of the Medical and Health Engineering Division of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Vice Chairman of the Medical and Health Engineering Division of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Vice Chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Association for Science and Technology, and Chairman of the Guangzhou Association for Science & Technology.


In addition, Dr. Zhong also serves as an editorial board member of the "Chinese Medical Journal", chairman of the editorial board of the "Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases", and vice chairman of the editorial board of the "Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine".

副主编/Associate Editor-in-Chief
Niels H. Chavannes

Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands/荷兰莱顿大学医学中心公共卫生和初级保健科

Niels Chavannes is professor of family medicine, head of research and founder of the National eHealth Living Lab (NeLL) at the department of Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands. He is also visiting professor at the Respiratory Research Institute of Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University Shanghai, China. 

Chair of eHealth Applications in Population Health Management, focused on the evidence base of digital healthcare solutions, by applying innovative ehealth methodology, guided by population health management.


Niels H. Chavannes是荷兰莱顿大学医学中心公共卫生与初级保健科的全科医学教授、研究负责人和NeLL的创始人。他也是复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸病研究所的客座教授。

Niels H. Chavannes是人口健康管理中电子健康应用方面的主席,专注于通过应用创新的电子健康方法,基于人口健康管理来验证数字医疗解决方案的证据基础。

潘毅/Yi Pan

中国科学院深圳理工大学计算机科学与控制工程学院/School of Computer Science and Control Engineering, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology affiliated to Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, China



Professor Pan is currently a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering, a Foreign Member of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine, and a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health in the UK. He is also the Dean and Chair Professor of the School of Computer Science and Control Engineering at the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Professor Pan's main research areas include using tools such as cloud computing, big data analysis, artificial intelligence, and deep learning to conduct research in bioinformatics and medical informatics.

陈荣昌/Rongchang Chen

深圳市呼吸疾病研究所/The Institute of Respiratory Diseases of Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China


Dr. Chen is a senior member of the American College of Chest Physicians, a mid-to-young expert with outstanding contributions recognized by the Ministry of Public Health, a National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Worker, former director of the Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, and the current director of the Shenzhen Institute of Respiratory Diseases. He also serves as the deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, vice chairman and secretary general of Respiratory Disease Branch of the Chinese Medical Association and Head of the Respiratory Therapy Group. Additionally, he is the former chairman of the Respiratory Disease Branch of the Guangdong Medical Association, deputy editor of the Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering and the International Journal of Respiration, and a member of the editorial board and standing committee for various journals including the Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine, and the Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases.

Charles A. Powell

西奈山伊坎医学院,纽约,美国/The Charles Powell Lab, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA

Charles A Powell,医学博士(MD)、工商管理硕士(MBA),是西奈山伊坎医学院(Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)医科教授及呼吸与危重症和睡眠医学系部门主任。该部门在Newsweek的全球肺部专科排名中位列第8, 在纽约排名第1。


Powell博士是西奈山呼吸研究所有限责任公司(Mount Sinai Respiratory Institute LLC)的首席执行官,该机构汇集了众多呼吸疾病和肺部疾病(包括哮喘、肺癌、慢性阻塞性肺疾病、间质性肺疾病和支气管扩张症)领域的专家。Powell博士曾担任Fleischner协会主席,并在国际呼吸疾病学会(International Society of Respiratory Disease)中担任领导角色。

Powell博士主要从事肺结节和癌症的研究及治疗,已发表超过150篇文章。 获得National Institutes of Health(NIH)的资助,并担任NIH资助的转化科学实验室(检测肺癌基因组学)主任。Powell博士在早期肺腺癌的生物学和基因组学方面深耕多年,其团队近期的研究成果对肺腺癌的诊断和治疗产生了重要影响。Powell博士还是在抗癌药物(抗体药物偶联物,免疫治疗)引起肺损伤的诊断和治疗领域的专家。此外,他还专注于运用机器学习和人工智能来推进呼吸疾病诊断和治疗的研究项目。


Charles A Powell, MD, MBA, is Professor of Medicine and System Division Chief for Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. The Division is ranked #8 Globally and #1 in New York for Pulmonary Specialties by Newsweek. 

Dr. Powell earned his bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania before completing his medical degree at the University of Chicago. He trained in Internal Medicine at Columbia University and in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Boston University. He holds an MBA from Yale University.

Dr. Powell is CEO of the Mount Sinai Respiratory Institute LLC, which brings together leading expertise in diagnosing and treating all forms of respiratory illness and lung disease, including asthma, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, interstitial lung disease, and bronchiectasis. He is past-President of the Fleischner Society and holds leadership roles in the International Society of Respiratory Disease. 

Dr. Powell’s primary Pulmonary Disease focus is on the research and treatment of lung nodules and cancer. Dr. Powell is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has published over 150 articles, and directs an NIH-funded translational sciences laboratory that examines the genomics of lung cancer. Dr. Powell’s particular area of interest is on deconvoluting the biology and genomics of early stage lung adenocarcinoma, for which recent advances have modified the diagnosis and approach to these tumors. He is an international expert in the diagnosis and management of drug induced lung injury in patients treated with advanced cancer medications such as antibody drug conjugates and immunotherapy.  He also directs research programs focused on applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence to advance the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases.

宋振举/Zhenju Song

复旦大学附属中山医院急诊科/Emergency Department,Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China




Chief physician

Doctoral Supervisor

The vice president of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University

Deputy Director of the Emergency Department of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan

Dr. Song serves as Director of Shanghai Emergency and Critical Care Clinical Medical Research Center, Deputy Director of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Pulmonary Inflammation and Injury, Deputy Director of the 9th Youth Committee of Emergency Medicine Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Deputy Director of Emergency Medicine Branch of Chinese Medical Education Association. His main research areas are the pathogenesis of sepsis and acute lung injury.

高承实/Chengshi Gao

河南元宇宙数字科技有限公司/Henan Yuan Universe digital Technology Co., LTD, Henan, China





Associate Professor in Computer Applications

Professor Gao currently serves as a senior member of the China Computer Federation, an executive member of the CCF Technical Committee on Block Chain, a standing member of the CSIAM Activity Group on Blockchain, a standing member of the China Mobile Communications Association Metaverse Consensus Circle, a member of the Chinese Institute of Command and Control, a member of the expert consulting team for CICC Urban Brain and Social Comprehensive Governance, an expert of the CSA GCR Metaverse Technology Security Working Committee. He also serves as an external supervisor at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, a corporate mentor for professional masters at Henan University of Technology, and a visiting professor and part-time supervisor for master students majored in Statistics at Shanghai University of Engineering Science.


Professor Gao's main research areas are blockchain, metaverse, and digital transformation.

Christoph Thuemmler

Institute for Informatics and Digital Innovation, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK/信息与数字创新研究所,爱丁堡龙比亚大学,英国

Dr. Med. Christoph Thuemmler is Clinician at Helios Park Klinikum Leipzig and Professor of eHealth at Edinburgh Napier. He is specialist for General Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Emergency Medicine.

He is a prime mover in healthcare innovation, drawing on his extensive research and medical work, and an internationally recognised expert in eHealth, IoT, smart pharma, e-connectivity, Industry 4.0, 5G.


医学博士 Christoph Thuemmler 是莱比锡 Helios Park Klinikum 的临床医生和爱丁堡龙比亚大学的电子健康学教授。他是普通内科、老年医学和急诊医学专家。他是医疗保健创新的主要推动者,凭借其广泛的研究和医疗工作,是国际公认的电子医疗、物联网、智能制药、电子连接、工业 4.0 和 5G 领域的专家。

杨达伟/Dawei Yang

上海复旦大学附属中山医院肺与危重症医学/Pulmonary and critical care Medicine, Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

复旦大学附属中山医院副主任医师、副研究员,上海呼吸物联网医学工程技术研究中心副主任,上海市呼吸病研究所物联网医学研究室副主任,国际肺癌研究协会(IASLC)预防、筛查和早期检测委员会委员,获国家自然科学面上、福建省杰出青年基金、上海市浦江人才计划等支持,牵头国际元宇宙医学指南等国内外共识指南7项,获批专利15项,发表论著77篇,其中SCI 期刊45篇,IF> 410,引用>1500次,h-指数21,在国内首先开设元宇宙医学课程(复旦大学通识核心课程)。

Dr. Yang currently serves as an Associate Chief Physician, an Associate Researcher at Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, a Deputy Director of the Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Internet of Things for Respiratory Medicine, a Deputy Director of the Internet of Medical Things Research Laboratory at the Shanghai Respiratory Research Institute, and a member of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) Early Detection and Screening Committee.


He has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Fujian Province Outstanding Young Fund, and Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program, among others. He also led the development of 7 consensus guidelines in domestic and abroad, including the International Metaverse Medicine Guidelines, obtained 15 patents, and published 77 academic papers, including 45 in SCI-indexed journals with an impact factor of over 410, more than 1500 citations, and an h-index of 21. He pioneered in offering a course on Metaverse Medicine at Fudan University, a core general education course.

连勇/Yong Lian

上海交通大学/Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China





Doctoral Supervisor.


Professor Lian is a Chair Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, a professor in the School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the Singapore Academy of Engineering, and the American Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is also a member of the Disciplinary Group of Integrated Circuit Science and Engineering of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, the co-editor-in-chief of the new high-level journal "Integrated Circuits and Systems" under China's Excellence Action Plan for Scientific Journals, and the Chairman of the Technical Committee of Shanghai Intelligent Pediatric Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Technology Engineering Research Center.


Professor Lian mainly engages in research on integrated circuit design and digital signal processing, and he is recognized as an international pioneer in the field of biomedical circuits and systems. Over the past 25 years, he has dedicated himself to the research of ultra-low-power fully integrated wireless biomedical sensor chips and has successfully developed several world-first ultra-low-power wearable and implantable medical device chips, including chips for ECG, EEG, respiratory, and lung imaging devices.

贾泽军/Zejun Jia

复旦大学附属中山医院/Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China



Dr. Jia is the Joint Chief Editor of the editorial departments of Health Promotion , Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine, and Clinical Cancer Bulletin  at Zhongshan Hospital, affiliated with Fudan University.

Dr. Jia, as the principal author, has published a total of 18 academic papers in various journals, including SCI, CSSCI, Peking University Core, and Science and Technology Core. As the principal investigator, he has led two provincial and ministerial-level projects and one key project of an academic society. As the second principal investigator, he has led one project of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China. He also holds a series of academic positions, including Deputy Director of the Academic Work Committee of the society of china university Journals and Executive Director of the Shanghai Association of University Science and Technology Journals.

刘雷/Lei Liu

复旦大学/Fudan University, Shanghai, China、国际健康科学信息学研究院/The International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics, Switzerland








Doctoral supervisor

Professor Liu is the Executive Vice Dean of the Intelligent Medicine Institute, Fudan University (in preparation), a fellow of the International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics (IAHSI), and Deputy Director of the Professional Committee of Clinical Data and Sample Resource Banks of the Chinese Research Hospital Association. He is also an Executive Member of the Chinese Society of Medical Informatics, among other roles.


His research areas include:

Biomedical Big Data*: Developing big data platforms that integrate clinical data, biobank information, and omics data; text mining; structuring clinical data; biomedical big data mining.

Medical Artificial Intelligence: Constructing biomedical knowledge bases and developing ontologies; developing AI systems for medical imaging; developing clinical decision support systems.

Bioinformatics: Analyzing omics data, transcriptome data analysis, regulatory network analysis, systems dynamics modeling, and sequencing analysis.

王伟林/Weilin Wang

浙江大学医学院附属第二医院/The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Zhejiang, China


Dr. Wang, Ph.D. in Surgery, Professor, Chief Physician, Doctoral Supervisor, and a Super Expert in Zhejiang Province, currently serves as the President of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Leader of the Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery Discipline, and Director of the Organ Transplantation Center. He is also the Vice Dean of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, an Honorary Professor at the University of Hong Kong, an Honorary Fellow of the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, and a Qiushi Distinguished Physician of Zhejiang University. He receives a special government allowance from the State Council and is recognized as a young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions by the National Health Commission.


Additionally, he holds several key positions, including Director of the Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Precision Diagnosis and Therapy for Hepatopancreatobiliary Tumors; Director of the Zhejiang Provincial Research Center for Liver Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Technology; Director of the Zhejiang Provincial Clinical Medical Research Center for Hepatopancreatobiliary Diseases; Director of the Precision Diagnosis and Treatment Innovation Center for Hepatopancreatobiliary Diseases at Zhejiang University; Director of the Institute of Surgery at Zhejiang University; and Director of the Zhejiang Provincial Engineering Laboratory for Medical Artificial Intelligence.


He also serves as Vice President of the China Hospital Association, a Standing Committee Member of the Surgery Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, a Standing Committee Member of the Branch of Organ Transplantation of the Chinese Medical Association, Chair of the Expert Committee on Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) of the National Health Commission, Chair of the ERAS Expert Committee of the Chinese College of Surgeons under the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and Chair-Elect of the Tumor Surgery Branch of the Zhejiang Medical Association.


His research focuses on liver transplantation and pediatric living donor liver transplantation, precision diagnosis and treatment of hepatopancreatobiliary tumors, medical artificial intelligence, and the development and translation of novel nanomedicines.

常务编委/Editorial Board Members
Lian Wu

School of Healthcare and Social Practice, Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand/Unitec 理工学院,奥克兰,新西兰

Specialty: Information Technology, Metaverse in Medicine


Shang-Ming Zhou

School of Nursing and Midwifery (Faculty of Health), University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK/英国普利茅斯大学健康学院护理和助产学院

Currently, Shangming is the Director of NHS Kernow Datalab with the Centre for Health Technologyat the Faculty of Health: Medicine, Dentistry and Human Sciences. He is also an affiliated investigator with the Health Data Research UK (HDR UK). His research was funded by HDRUK, MRC, EPSRC, HCRW, Charities, and international collaborations.

Shangming’s research interests focus on AI and statistics in health and biomedical informatics: data-driven health-related studies using techniques, such as machine learning/deep learning, natural language processing, computational intelligence (artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, nature-inspired computing etc), statistical analytics, and data mining.

周教授现任英国国家医疗服务系统(NHS)克诺数据实验室主任,负责英国普利茅斯大学健康学院医学、牙科和人文科学院健康技术中心的工作。他还是英国普利茅斯大学医学系的附属研究员,英国健康数据研究中心(HDR UK)的附属研究员。他的研究得到了英国健康数据研究中心(HDRUK)、英国医学研究委员会(MRC)、英国工程和社会科学研究中心(EPSRC)、英国健康数据研究中心(HCRW)、慈善机构和国际合作机构的资助。



于广军/Guangjun Yu

香港中文大学(深圳)医学院/The CUHK-Shenzhen School of Medicine, Shenzhen, China,国家健康医疗大数据研究院(深圳)/National Institute of Health Data Science of China, Shenzhen, China



马礼兵/Libing Ma

桂林医学院附属医院/Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical Hospital, Guilin, Guangxi, China



Chief Physician

Doctoral Supervisor

Dr. Ma serves as a Committee Member and Vice President of the Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical College. He is recognized as a leading young talent in Guangxi Province and a top talent in Guilin City.

He currently serves as an expert reviewer for master's and doctoral theses under the Ministry of Education, a project reviewer for the National Natural Science Foundation, and an editorial board member of the Chinese Medical Journal. He is also involved as a youth member of the Chinese Thoracic Society, a member of the Chinese College of Allergy and Asthma, a standing committee member of the Diagnostics Committee under China Medicine Education Association, and a standing committee member of the Vaccine and Health Branch of China Health Culture Association. Additionally, he holds vice-chair positions in several branches of the Guangxi Medical Association and the Guangxi Medical Doctors Association, including those related to internal medicine, respiratory diseases, respiratory endoscopy, and respiratory disease prevention and control, among others.

He has led four projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation, three by the Guangxi Natural Science Foundation, and three Guangxi educational reform projects. As the first or corresponding author, he has published over 30 papers in SCI journals and has authored or co-authored eight books. He has received numerous awards, such as the "National Outstanding Instructor for Resident Standardization Training", "Guangxi Model Teacher", and "Most Beautiful Science and Technology Worker in Guilin". His clinical expertise includes the diagnosis and treatment of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary nodules, lung cancer, acute and chronic cough, respiratory infections, and respiratory endoscopy interventions.

王洵/Xun Wang

无锡市第二人民医院/Jiangnan University Medical Center, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China


已发表包括Cancer、Respirology、Critical Care Medicine、Eur Respir J、Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy、International Immunopharmacology、Eur Respir Rev等杂志在内的SCI论文15篇,累计影响因子155,被引用600余次,参与新冠全球专家共识编写,授权专利3项,软件著作权5项,主编专著1部,参与国自然重点项目等国家级科研项目10项。现任江苏省医学会呼吸分会委员,中国医师协会外事委员会委员,中国医药教育协会智能医学专业委员会常务委员,中国微循环学会转化医学专业委员会青年工作委员会副主任委员,全国高等院校计算机基础教育研究会智能技术应用专业委员会委员等。

Chief Physician

Master's Supervisor

Dr. Wang is the Deputy Director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine at the Second People's Hospital of Wuxi and the Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party of the First Clinical Branch, Jiangnan University Medical Center.

Dr. Wang is a Chief Physician, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as pulmonary nodules, lung tumors, and complex pulmonary infections. Her main research interests include the clinical and basic research of personalized comprehensive treatment of lung cancer. Wang has unique insights into the diagnosis and treatment of complex and critical diseases, such as chronic cough-asthma syndrome, pulmonary interstitial disease, complicated respiratory infections, respiratory failure, and sleep apnea syndrome. She is proficient in airway intervention techniques such as tracheoscopy and thoracoscopy and is adept at applying artificial intelligence and 3D printing technologies in the field of respiratory medicine.

Dr. Wang has published 15 papers in SCI journals including Cancer, Respirology, Critical Care Medicine, European Respiratory Journal, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, International Immunopharmacology, and European Respiratory Review, accumulating an impact factor of 155 and over 600 citations. She has contributed to the global expert consensus on COVID-19, holds 3 authorized patents, 5 software copyrights, and has authored 1 monograph.

Dr. Wang has participated in 10 national-level scientific research projects, including key projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. She currently serves as a committee member of the Jiangsu Medical Association Respiratory Branch, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, a standing committee member of the Intelligent Medicine Committee of the China Medicine Education Association, the Vice-Chairman of the Professional Committee of Translational Medicine of China Microcirculation Society (Youth Working Committee), and a member of the Professional Committee on Intelligent Technology Applications under Association of Fundamental Computing Education in Chinese Universities.

王健/Jian Wang

​复旦大学大数据学院/School of Data Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

复旦大学大数据学院青年研究员、博士生导师。2013年博士毕业于高丽大学电气与计算机工程系。曾在罗格斯大学、杜克大学、首尔国立大学从事教学科研工作。近年来在IEEE TIT、IEEE TKDE、IEEE TSP等信息领域顶级期刊及会议上发表论文50余篇,多篇入选IEEE TSP热点论文、ESI高被引论文、ESI热点论文等,SCI他引800余次。获IEEE信号处理协会青年最佳论文奖提名等。承担国家自科基金面上、重点项目等。担任IEEE TIT、美国数学评论评论员、IEEE ACCESS、Frontier信号处理、DCN、《应用科技》等杂志编委;科技部某重点研发计划、工信部某平台评审专家等。


Dr. Wang is an Associate Researcher and Ph.D. supervisor at the School of Data Science, Fudan University. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Korea University in 2013. He has conducted teaching and research at Rutgers University, Duke University, and Seoul National University. In recent years, he has published over 50 papers in top-tier journals and conferences in the information field, such as IEEE TIT, IEEE TKDE, and IEEE TSP. Several of his papers have been selected as IEEE TSP Hot Papers, ESI Highly Cited Papers, and ESI Hot Papers, with over 800 citations in SCI. He has received nominations for the IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Young Author Paper Award, among other honors. He has undertaken projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, including general and key projects. He serves as a reviewer for IEEE TIT and American Mathematical Reviews, and as an editorial board member for IEEE ACCESS, Frontier in Signal Processing, DCN, Applied Science, and other journals. Additionally, he is an expert reviewer for key research programs under the Ministry of Science and Technology and platforms under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

His main research interests include graph neural networks, vision and autonomous driving, statistics and deep learning, and sparse and low-rank optimization.

王悦虹/Yuehong Wang

浙江大学医学院附属第一医院/The First Affliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China


Dr. Wang is a Chief Physician in the Department of Pulmonary Medicine at The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine. Clinically, she specializes in interventional diagnosis and treatment using bronchoscopy and endobronchial ultrasound, precision treatment of lung cancer, standardized comprehensive management, diagnosis and standardized follow-up of pulmonary nodules, and diagnosis of complex pulmonary diseases.

韦球/Qiu Wei

南宁市第一人民医院/The First People's Hospital of Nanning, Nanning, Guangxi, China



Dr. Wei is the Deputy Director and Chief Physician in the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine at The First People's Hospital of Nanning. He holds a Doctorate in Medicine and serves as a master's supervisor. He is recognized as one of Nanning's top technical talents (10th batch) and holds several key positions, including Vice Chairman of the first committee of the Guangxi Hospital Medical Management Professional Committee, Standing Committee Member of the Guangxi Medical Association Respiratory Disease Branch, Standing Committee Member of the Guangxi Medical Association Internal Medicine Branch, Committee Member of the Guangxi Anti-Cancer Association Lung Cancer Professional Committee, and Committee Member of the Guangxi Medical Association Respiratory Endoscopy Physicians Branch.

With 20 years of experience in respiratory clinical work, Dr. Wei is proficient in the clinical application of bronchoscopy and medical thoracoscopy, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequently occurring diseases in respiratory medicine, and the rescue of acute and critical respiratory conditions. In 2020, he was honored with several national and regional awards for his contributions to COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control, including the titles of "Advanced Individual in the National Health System COVID-19 Prevention and Control," "Advanced Individual in the National Fight Against COVID-19," "Advanced Worker of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region," and recognition as a member of the first group commended for COVID-19 prevention and control in Nanning. In June 2021, he was awarded the title of "National Outstanding Communist Party Member" by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Dr. Wei is also a representative of the 12th Party Congress of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and a deputy to the 14th People's Congress of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

His main research interests include pulmonary malignancies, pulmonary embolism, and interventional respiratory therapy.

方金武/Jinwu Fang

中国信息通信研究院/China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Shanghai, China


Fang serves as the General Manager of the Digital Health Department and the Director of the Smart Healthcare Innovation Center at the Shanghai Industrial Innovation Center of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT).

甘舜轩/Shunxuan Gan

栢拓视觉/Bai Ta Vision, Shanghai, China

栢拓视觉CMO & 战略总监,十二年医疗行业深耕创业,横跨硬件、软件、内容生态领域创业者,


CMO & Strategy Director

With twelve years of extensive entrepreneurship in the medical industry, Gan has experience spanning hardware, software, and content ecosystem fields.

白莉/Li Bai





Dr. Bai is a professor in the Department of Respiratory Medicine at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Army Medical University. She serves as the Deputy Chairman of the Lung Cancer Full-Course Management Committee of the China Lung Cancer Alliance, Deputy Chairman of the Lung Cancer AI Diagnosis Committee of the China Lung Cancer Alliance, a member of the Lung Cancer Working Committee of the Respiratory Physician Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and a member of the Lung Cancer Group of the Respiratory Disease Branch of the Chinese Medical Association. She is also a peer review expert for the National Natural Science Foundation, an executive editorial board member of the Journal of Clinical Pulmonology, and a correspondent editorial board member of the International Journal of Respiratory Diseases.


Dr. Bai specializes in smoking control, diagnosis of pulmonary nodules, early screening and diagnosis of lung cancer, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and personalized comprehensive management of advanced lung cancer. She has led and participated in five projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and one project funded by the Chongqing Natural Science Foundation. She has published over 40 papers, including 11 SCI-indexed articles as the first or corresponding author, and has co-authored six monographs.

朱智勤/Zhiqin Zhu

重庆邮电大学/Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, China



Master's Supervisor


Professor Zhu is an Associate Professor in the School of Automation at Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications. He is a Bayu Youth Scholar of Chongqing, an executive member of the Industrial Control Computer Committee of the China Computer Federation, and a member of the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence. Holding a Ph.D. in Engineering, he was jointly trained by Chongqing University and Arizona State University. His main research areas include image processing, machine learning, intelligent control, and blockchain technology.

孙湛/Zhan Sun

上海市老年医学中心/Shanghai Geriatric Medical Center, Shanghai, China


苏士成/Shicheng Su

昆山市中医医院/Kunshan Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China



Dr. Su is the director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of Kunshan Hospital of Chinese Medicine, as well as a chief physician and medical doctor.

He served as a member of the Respiratory Rehabilitation Professional Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Rehabilitation Medical Association, a member of the Sleep-disordered Breathing Group of the Respiratory Physicians Branch of the Jiangsu Provincial Medical Association, a member of the Respiratory Intervention Oncology Professional Committee of the Suzhou Cancer Society, a member of the Sleep Medicine Professional Committee of the Suzhou Medical Association, and a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of 'Clinical Research and Practice'. He has published more than ten academic works.

李立亮/Liliang Li

复旦大学基础医学院/School of Basic Medical Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

复旦大学基础医学院法医学系,副教授,副主任法医师,博士生导师,国家优秀青年基金获得者。担任中国民族医药学会远程教育分会副秘书长、上海市法医学会秘书长、上海市司法鉴定协会法医病理专委会委员。近5年在Circulation, STTT、 Sci Transl Med、 Pharmacol Res、 Br J Pharmacol及法医学国际权威期刊Int J Legal Med、 Forensic Sci Int发表第一或通讯作者(含共通讯)论文30余篇,系统阐释了常见抗精神病药物引起的心脏病理改变、心肌毒理机制并建立了相关猝死的法医学鉴识策略。主持国家自然科学基金项目4项及中国博士后科学基金项目2项。获MCE中国生命科学研究促进奖、欧洲毒理学会青年科学家提名奖等,多次获中国毒理学会、中国法医学会、东方心脏病学会优秀论文奖。


Dr. Li is an associate professor and the associate director of the Department of Forensic Medicine at the School of Basic Medical Sciences, Fudan University. He is also a doctoral supervisor and a recipient of the National Excellent Youth Fund.


He served as the Deputy Secretary-General of Distance Education Branch of Chinese Medical Association for Nationalities, the Secretary-General of Shanghai Forensic Medical Association, and a member of the Forensic Pathology Committee of Shanghai Forensic Association. In the past five years, he has published more than 30 papers in Circulation, STTT, Sci Transl Med, Pharmacol Res, Br J Pharmacol, Int J Legal Med and Forensic Sci Int, as the first or corresponding author (including co-corresponding authorship). These papers systematically explain the cardiac pathological changes and myocardial toxicological mechanisms caused by common antipsychotic drugs and establish a forensic identification strategy for sudden death.


He has led four projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and two projects funded by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. He has received the MCE China Life Science Research Promotion Award, the European Toxicology Society Young Scientist Nomination Award, and the Excellent Thesis Award from the Chinese Toxicology Society, the Chinese Forensic Medicine Society, and the Oriental Heart Association.


His research focuses on the toxicology and transformation of neuropsychiatric drugs, and the pathology, toxicology, and genetic mechanisms of unexplained sudden death.

杨冬/Dong Yang

复旦大学附属中山医院/Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸内科主任医师,博士研究生导师。致力于慢性气道疾病和肺损伤的临床和基础研究,近年来聚焦于慢性阻塞性肺疾病的免疫组学、代谢组学、分子发病机制的研究、人工智能策略对慢阻肺疾病的干预和管理应用;肺损伤分子发病机制和潜在治疗靶点的研究。 自2017年至今,以通讯作者/第一作者已发表学术论文近20篇,承担国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、科技部国家重点研究计划子课题1项、上海市科研项目1项、人工智能及物联网探索性应用项目2项。杨冬教授多次受邀在美国和欧洲呼吸病年会等国际学术会议上做报告并获奖,系列研究成果获得2020年上海市医学科技奖二等奖。

Dr. Yang is the chief physician and a doctoral supervisor of respiratory medicine at Zhongshan Hospital, affiliated with Fudan University School of Medicine.


He is committed to clinical and basic research on chronic airway diseases and lung injury. In recent years, he has focused on studying the immunology, metabolomics, and molecular pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as well as the intervention and management of COPD using artificial intelligence strategies. He has also conducted research on the molecular pathogenesis and potential therapeutic targets of lung injury.


Since 2017, Dr. Yang has published nearly 20 academic papers as the corresponding author or first author. He has undertaken two general projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, one sub-project of the National Key Research Plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology, one scientific research project in Shanghai, and two exploratory application projects related to artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. Professor Yang has been invited to present reports and has won awards at international academic conferences, such as the annual conferences on respiratory diseases in the United States and Europe. His series of research results won the second prize at the 2020 Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Awards.

杨志刚/Zhigang Yang

复旦大学附属中山医院/Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

复旦大学附属中山医院神经外科副主任医师,硕士生导师。长期从事血管内脑机接口、脑血管介入相关器械研发及脑血管病功能学评估等研究,尤其擅长各类脑血管病的微创介入手术。参与及主持多项国家级课题、上海市科委研究课题,发表论文20余篇,获得教育部医疗成果奖一等奖1项,上海市医疗成果奖一等奖1项,获国家发明专利1项,实用新型专利7项,参编专著4部,担任《World Neurosurgery》、《中国临床医学》审稿人。

Dr. Yang is the Deputy Chief Physician of the Neurosurgery Department at Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, and a Master's Supervisor. He has long been engaged in research on endovascular brain-computer interfaces, cerebrovascular interventional device development, and functional assessment of cerebrovascular diseases, with particular expertise in minimally invasive interventional surgery for various cerebrovascular conditions. He has participated in and led several national research projects and projects funded by the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission. Dr. Yang has published more than 20 papers, won the first prize in the Medical Achievement Award from the Ministry of Education of China and the first prize in the Medical Achievement Award from Shanghai Municipality. He has been awarded one national invention patent and seven utility model patents, has contributed to the editing of four monographs, and serves as a reviewer for World Neurosurgery and the Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine.

杨丽/Li Yang

重庆医科大学附属第一医院/The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medicial University, Chongqing, China




Associate Professor in the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine at The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Dr. Yang is primarily engaged in research on lung cancer, lung nodules, chronic respiratory diseases, respiratory infections, CT-guided percutaneous interventional diagnosis and early treatment techniques, artificial intelligence, and databases for respiratory diseases.


She has led 10 projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the National Cancer Center Youth and Middle-aged Fund, and key research and development projects at the provincial and ministerial levels. Dr. Yang has published more than 40 articles in Chinese and English as the first author or corresponding author, has been awarded 10 patents, software copyrights, and has contributed to the editing of 5 monographs.

何萍/Ping He

上海申康医院/Shanghai Shen Kang Hospital, Shanghai, China


Dr. He is a Senior Engineer, Doctor of Management, member of the CPC, Director of the Medical Union Center at the Shanghai Hospital Development Center, and Deputy Director of the Medical Business Department; Deputy Director of the National Health Information Sharing and Application Engineering and Technology Research Center; Chairman of the Shanghai Society of the China Medical Informatics Association; Standing Director of the Chinese Health Information Association; Vice-Chairman of the Healthcare Information Technology Committee of the China Society of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesiology; Vice-President of the Shanghai Internet of Things Industry Association; Vice-Chairman of the Information Management Committee of the Shanghai Hospital Association; Vice-President of the Shanghai Informatization Youth Talent Association; and External Expert for the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau, Economic and Information Commission, and Science and Technology Commission, among other social positions.


For over two decades, he has been deeply engaged in the digital construction of hospitals and the development of regional medical informatization projects. He led the construction of the Shanghai Medical Union Project, which enables the sharing of clinical diagnosis and treatment information among 38 municipal hospitals, demonstrating strong capabilities in integrating hospital information systems with the coordinated development of regional healthcare. He has organized and participated in the research and development of 42 major national, provincial, and ministerial-level projects as a project leader and principal researcher, published 46 papers in public journals, and authored 3 monographs.

邹最/Zui Zou

海军军医大学第二附属医院/The Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University, Shanghai, China


Medical Doctor,

Professor, Chief Physician,

Director of the Department of Anesthesiology at Naval Medical University


Dr.Zou, a leading figure in perioperative medical devices and sepsis research, has been recognized through numerous prestigious talent programs, including the 10th Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Talents, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission's Outstanding Technical Leader Program, Shanghai Talent Development Fund, the Science and Technology Commission's Rising Star Program, the Education Commission's Morning Light Program, and the Health Commission's New Excellent Youth Program.


He has led over 20 research projects, including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission. With over 50 SCI papers published, Dr. Zou has received second-place awards from the military, Shanghai, and the Ministry of Education. He serves on several academic committees, including the Anesthesiology Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and the Shanghai Anesthesiology Society.

辛弘毅/Hongyi Xin

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

Dr. Hongyi Xin is currently an associate professor at the Global Institute of Future Technology (GIFT) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Before that, he was the "James-Wu-and-Jane-Sun" endowed associate professor at UM-SJTU Joint Institute. Hongyi received his PhD from the computer science department at Carnegie Mellon University, under the supervision of Carl Kingsford and had been a post-doc fellow at UPMC Children's Hospital supervised by Dr. Wei Chen.

Hongyi has been awarded multiple provincial and national grants from both NSFC and STCSM. He also holds multiple national and provincial awarded young talent titles.



辛弘毅博士目前是上海交通大学未来技术学院(GIFT)的副教授。在此之前,他是UM-SJTU联合学院的“James-Wu-and-Jane-Sun”冠名副教授。辛弘毅在卡内基梅隆大学计算机科学系获得博士学位,导师是Carl Kingsford,并曾在UPMC儿童医院担任博士后研究员,导师是陈伟博士。


沈涛/Tao Shen

上海市人工智能行业协会/Shanghai AI Inductry Association, Shanghai, China


Shen is the deputy secretary of the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Association.

宋元林/Yuanlin Song

上海复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸科与危重症医学科/Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Department, Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸科与危重症医学科主任;上海市教委特聘教授,东方学者,博士生导师;上海市优秀学术带头人,领军人才;上海市呼吸病研究所副所长;中华医学会呼吸分会常务委员;中国医师协会呼吸医师分会常委;上海市呼吸病学会主任委员;上海市肺部炎症与损伤重点实验室主任;Respirology 副主编,Clinical Respiratory Journal 主编,AJP-lung 主编。申请到专利8项,转化三项。擅长治疗慢阻肺,支气管扩张,肺部感染和急慢性呼吸衰竭。主持科技部重点研发,自然基金重点,项目,973子课题,上海市科委重大项目等17项课题。在JAMA-Internal Medicine, Thorax, AJRCCM, CCM等发表SCI论文200余篇,引用20000余次。参与编写实用内科学,全国研究生教材,五年制本科全国教材,作为主编之一编写《现代呼吸病学》,参与编写《实用内科学》,全国研究生教材等8本著作。先后获得上海市医学奖(二等),科技进步奖(二等),中华医学奖(三等)等。

Dr. Song is the Director of the Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Department at Zhongshan Hospital, affiliated with Fudan University. He is a specially-appointed professor by the Shanghai Education Commission, an Eastern Scholar, and a doctoral supervisor. He holds positions as an outstanding academic leader and leading talent in Shanghai. Additionally, he serves as the Vice Director of the Shanghai Respiratory Research Institute, Executive Committee member of the  Respiratory Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, and Standing Committee member of the Chinese Physicians Association Respiratory Physicians Branch. Dr. Song is also the Chairman of the Shanghai Respiratory Society and Director of the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Pulmonary Inflammation and Damage. He serves as Associate Editor for Respirology, Editor-in-Chief for Clinical Respiratory Journal, and Editor-in-Chief for AJP-lung. He has applied for 8 patents, with 3 successfully transferred. Dr. Song specializes in treating COPD, bronchiectasis, pulmonary infections, and acute and chronic respiratory failure. He has led 17 projects including key research and development by the Ministry of Science and Technology, key projects by the National Natural Science Foundation, 973 sub-projects, and major projects by the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission. Dr. Song has published over 200 SCI papers in journals such as JAMA-Internal Medicine, Thorax, AJRCCM, and CCM, cited over 20,000 times. He has contributed to the editing of 8 books including "Practical Internal Medicine," national graduate textbooks, and undergraduate textbooks. He was awarded the Shanghai Medical Award (Second Prize), Scientific and Technological Progress Award (Second Prize), and Chinese Medical Award (Third Prize).

宋海涛/Haitao Song

上海人工智能研究院/Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Shanghai, China、上海交通大学人工智能研究院/Artificial intelligence Research Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China


Dr. Song is the President and Chairman of the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Research Institute and the Director of the AI Technology Center at the National Science Center for Translational Medicine (Shanghai). He also serves as the Deputy Secretary-General of the Global University Academic Alliance on Artificial Intelligence, Vice President of the Asian Alliance for Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, a member of the National Artificial Intelligence Standardization General Group, a member of the National Navigation Equipment Standardization Technical Committee, a member of the General Artificial Intelligence National Security Working Group, and a leading scientist in Huawei Ascend AI.

He has been awarded the Gold Medal at the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions, the First Prize for Provincial and Ministerial Scientific and Technological Achievements, the Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement Award from the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence, the Science and Technology Progress Award, and the Leading Talent in Scientific and Technological Innovation award from the China Intelligent Transportation Association. Additionally, he has been recognized as an Outstanding Talent in the National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, a Leading Talent in the "Shanghai Industry Elite" program, and a "Pioneering Leader" in Shanghai's Digital Transformation.

张子强/Ziqiang Zhang

​复旦大学附属浦东医院/Fudan University Affiliated Pudong Medical Center, Shanghai, China



Dr. Zhang is the Director and Academic Leader of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine at Fudan University Affiliated Pudong Medical Center. He is a Chief Physician, holds a Ph.D. in Medicine, and completed his postdoctoral training. He is also a doctoral supervisor at Fudan University and was selected for the Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program.

He serves as a standing committee member of the Minimally Invasive Respiratory Intervention Committee of the Chinese Medical Education Association, the Early Lung Cancer AI Diagnosis Committee of the China Lung Cancer Prevention and Control Alliance, the Respiratory Intervention Committee of the China Human Health Science and Technology Promotion Society, the Infectious Diseases Committee of the Shanghai Medical Association, and the Infectious Disease Management Committee of the Shanghai Hospital Association. He has published over 40 academic papers and holds 4 authorized national invention patents. Additionally, he has led more than 10 projects, including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee.

张玉侠/Yuxia Zhang

​复旦大学附属中山医院/Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

复旦大学附属中山医院主任护师,临床教授,博士生导师。现任复旦大学附属中山医院护理部主任,复旦大学护理学院副院长,美国护理科学院Fellow(FAAN)。兼任国家卫生健康委人才交流服务中心“一带一路”医学人才培养联盟护理专业发展专家委员会主任委员、中国研究型医院学会护理分会副会长、中国现代医院管理智库护理分委会委员、中国医院教育协会第五届理事及护理分会副主委、全国护理专业临床学术指导专家委员会委员、中华医学会儿科分会护理学组组长、上海现代服务业联合会医专会护理分委会主委、上海现代护理职业教育集团副理事长、上海市医院协会护理专委会副主委等学术职务。担任《上海护理》副主编、《中华护理杂志》、《中国护理管理》、《中华护理教育》、《中国循证儿科杂志》、《解放军护理杂志》等杂志编委、《Nursing in Critical Care》,《BMJ-Open》 Reviewer。 曾获中华护理学会科技进步奖二等奖、三等奖,上海市护理科技进步一等奖,海峡两岸医药卫生交流协会护理分会优秀科技项目等多项奖励。

Chief Nurse,

Clinical Professor

Doctoral Supervisor at Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University


Currently serving as the Director of the Nursing Department at Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, and Deputy Dean of the School of Nursing at Fudan University, Zhang is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN).


She holds several key academic and professional positions, including: Chairman of the Nursing Professional Development Expert Committee of the "Belt and Road" Medical Talent Training Alliance at Health Human Resources Development center of the National Health Commission; Vice President of the Nursing Branch of the Chinese Research Hospital Association; Member of the Nursing Subcommittee of the China Modern Hospital Management Think Tank; Fifth-term Director and Vice Chair of the Nursing Branch of the China Hospital Education Association; Member of the National Clinical Academic Guidance Expert Committee for Nursing; Chairman of the Nursing Group of the Pediatrics Branch of the Chinese Medical Association; Chairman of the Nursing Subcommittee of the Shanghai Modern Service Industry Association; Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Modern Nursing Vocational Education Group; Vice Chairman of the Nursing Special Committee of the Shanghai Hospital Association.


In addition, Zhang serves as Deputy Editor of Shanghai Nursing, and is on the editorial boards of Chinese Journal of Nursing, Chinese Nursing Management, Chinese Nursing Education, Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Pediatrics, and Journal of PLA Nursing. She is also a reviewer for Nursing in Critical Care and BMJ Open.


Her accolades include second and third prizes from the Chinese Nursing Association for scientific and technological progress, first prize for nursing scientific and technological progress in Shanghai, and recognition for excellent scientific projects by the Cross-Strait Medicine and Health Exchange Association Nursing Branch.

张宇鸣/Yuming Zhang

中国信息通信研究院/China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Shanghai, China



Dr. Zhang is the Director of the Medical Health Big Data and Network Research Center (East China) at the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology in Shanghai, China. He has previously served as the General Manager of the China Division of a Fortune 500 company, a senior executive at a major domestic medical device company, and a senior advisor at a national-level high-end think tank. With 30 years of dedication to the medical device industry, Dr. Zhang has acquired extensive expertise in market access, marketing, corporate management, strategic planning, and industry consulting in China. He focuses on national health policies and explores the integration of next-generation communication technologies with the healthcare sector, committing to the promotion of new technologies in the medical field. Dr. Zhang has in-depth research and practical experience in areas such as smart hospitals, digital healthcare, medical artificial intelligence, and intelligent medical devices, including market access, commercial positioning, and business operation cycles.

张纪阳/Jiyang Zhang

复旦大学附属中山医院/Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China


Zhang is the director of the Office of the Big Data Artificial Intelligence Center of Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University.

陈大明/Daming Chen

中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所/Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health. CAS, Shanghai, China



Dr. Chen is a researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China. He serves as the Deputy Director of the Shanghai Science and Technology Novelty Search and Consultation Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and is recognized as a national patent information expert. He is an outstanding science and technology intelligence worker in the Yangtze River Delta region and a committee member of both the Synthetic Biotechnology Branch of the China Biotechnology Association and the Integrated Innovation Development Committee of the China Association of Technology Entrepreneurs. Additionally, he is an expert for the think tank at the Shanghai Technology Exchange and a member of the Standardization Technical Committee of the Shanghai Technology Market Association.


Dr. Chen's primary research focuses on science and technology intelligence. He has led his team in completing over 50 research projects in the fields of life and health sciences and interdisciplinary integration. These projects include sub-projects under the National Key Research and Development Program titled "Biosecurity Research in Synthetic Biology," a research project by the Bureau of Development and Planning of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on "Interdisciplinary Integration in the Field of Life Health," and a project by the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee on "Starting Points, Bottlenecks, and Challenges in the Development of Biomedicine, Integrated Circuits, and Artificial Intelligence Industries." He also worked on the Ministry of Commerce's "Industrial Security Monitoring Research in the Yangtze River Delta" and the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce's "Shanghai Industrial Security Monitoring and Early Warning Research."


During his research, Dr. Chen developed the technology foresight analysis method based on knowledge lineage maps and the SMART assessment method centered on knowledge graphs. His work has led to five research achievements winning first or second prizes in the East China Science and Technology Intelligence Achievement Awards and eight winning first or second prizes in the Shanghai Science and Technology Awards. He has published over 20 papers in journals such as the  "Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" and "Synthetic Biology", authored five books, and has been the main writer or participant in drafting two local standards.

陈智鸿 /Zhihong Chen

复旦大学附属中山医院/Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China



陈颖/Yin Chen

复旦大学附属中山医院/Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

复旦大学附属中山医院, 内分泌代谢病研究所, 副研究员

Chen is an associate researcher at the Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University.

金晶/Jing Jin

华东理工大学/East China University of Science and Tecnology, Shanghai, China

华东理工大学数学学院副院长、智能计算中心主任,教授、博士生导师。入选国家高层次人才特殊支持计划,上海市东方学者特聘教授,上海市曙光学者,上海市院士(专家)工作站首席专家,入选中国高被引学者榜;担任国际脑机接口大赛奖励基金会理事,国际脑机接口学会青年科学家奖评审委员会委员,中国生物医学工程学会医学神经工程分会副主任委员,中国自动化学会特聘专家,担任SCI期刊Journal of Neuroscience Methods,Cognitive Neurodynamics和Frontiers in Neurorobotics副主编,中科院一区TOP期刊Neural Networks执行编委,脑机接口顶级期刊Journal of Neural Engineering编委;牵头获上海市自然科学二等奖和上海市工人先锋号。


周建军/Jianjun Zhou

复旦大学附属中山医院厦门医院/ Xiamen Branch, Zhongshan hospital affilated to Fudan University, Xiamen, Fujian, China


Dr. Zhou is the Executive Director of the Xiamen Branch of Zhongshan Hospital, affiliated with Fudan University, a member of the Party Committee, the Deputy Director of the Radiology Department at Zhongshan Hospital, the Executive Director of the Radiology Department at the Xiamen Branch of Zhongshan Hospital, and the Sub-specialist Director of Retroperitoneal, Musculoskeletal, Urinary, and Reproductive Imaging. For many years, he has been working on the front lines of clinical practice, completing nearly 300,000 CT and MR report audits, and guiding experts in many tertiary hospitals in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Additionally, he is responsible for hospital research, discipline construction, clinical trials, education, resident and specialist training, continuing education, and information work. He oversees the Ministry of Science and Education, the Ministry of Information, the Institute of Clinical Medicine, and clinical trial institutions.

赵列宾/Liebin zhao

上海交通大学附属新华医院/Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China


上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院糖尿病中心主任、上海交通大学医学院院办副主任,兼任上海市医院协会第一届院办管理专业委员会主任委员、上海市科委食疗研究会糖尿病专业委员会副主任委员、美国糖尿病教育者协会(AADE)会员,上海医学会糖尿病专业委员会糖尿病教育与管理学组成员、上海市康复医学会糖尿病专业委员会委员、BMJ系列期刊《Quality and Safety in Health Care》杂志审稿专家、《中华健康管理学杂志》特约编委、《中国医院院长杂志》编委、《卫生资源杂志》《中国医院杂志》特约通讯员。

Dr. Zhao is the Director of the Diabetes Center at Ruijin Hospital, affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, the Deputy Director of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, the Director of the First Hospital Management Professional Committee of the Shanghai Hospital Association, the Deputy Director of the Diabetes Professional Committee of the Shanghai Food Therapy Research Association, and a member of the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE). Additionally, he is a member of the Diabetes Education and Management Group of the Diabetes Professional Committee of the Shanghai Medical Association, a member of the Diabetes Professional Committee of the Shanghai Rehabilitation Medical Association, a reviewer for BMJ series journals such as Quality and Safety in Health Care, a special editor of the Chinese Journal of Health Management, an editor of Chinese Hospital Director, and a special correspondent for the Chinese Hospital Journal of Health Resources.

赵郑拓/Zhentuo Zhao

​中国科学院大学/University of Chinese Acaedmy of Science, Beijing, China

胡伟国/Weiguo Hu

上海交通大学附属瑞金医院/Rui Jin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China



胡洁/Jie Hu

复旦大学附属中山医院/Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

姜杰/Jie Jiang

厦门大学附属第一医院/The first affiliated hospital of Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China

盛斌/Bin Sheng

上海交通大学/Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

现为上海交通大学计算机应用研究所副所长、教授、博士生导师,获国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才,上海市浦江人才等项目资助。ISBI2020、MICCAI2022及MICCAI2023国际眼底影像人工智能读片竞赛主席、全国标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC68)委员,任The Visual Computer执行编辑(Managing Editor), 任IEEE Trans. CSVTThe Visual Computer等3本计算机应用领域SCI国际期刊Associate Editor, 任中国虚拟现实期刊Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware(VRIH)的Associate Editor。近五年发表Nature Medicine, Nature CommunicationsIJCVIEEE TPAMIIEEE TVCGIEEE TIP等SCI/SSCI论文69篇, 发表包括IEEE Virtual Reality、ICCV、MICCAI、ACM Multimedia等会议论文63篇。获2020年度上海市科技进步特等奖,两次获世界人工智能大会SAIL AWARD榜单项目、国际图形学学会(Computer Graphics Society)杰出贡献奖等荣誉。

Professor Sheng currently serves as the Deputy Director and Doctoral Supervisor at the Institute of Computer Applications, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He has received funding from the National "Ten Thousand Talent Program", the Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program, among others. He has served as the Chairman of the ISBI2020, MICCAI2022, and MICCAI2023 International Fundus Image AI Reading Competitions, a member of the National Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC68), the Managing Editor of The Visual Computer, and Associate Editor for three SCI-indexed international journals in the field of computer applications, including IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology and The Visual Computer, as well as a Chinese journal on virtual reality - Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware (VRIH). In the past five years, he published 69 SCI/SSCI papers in journals such as Nature Medicine, Nature Communications, IJCV, IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TVCG, and IEEE TIP, and 63 conference papers for IEEE Virtual Reality, ICCV, MICCAI, and ACM Multimedia. He has received the Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Special Award in 2020, the SAIL AWARD at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (twice), and the Distinguished Contribution Award from the Computer Graphics Society among other honors.

Emeli Zhang

联影医疗技术集团有限公司/Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., LTD, Shanghai, China

葛海燕/Haiyan Ge

​复旦大学附属华东医院/Huadong Hospital affiliated to Fudan University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China


擅长慢性气道疾病、肺部肿瘤、肺部感染性疾病的综合诊治以及支气管镜技术、机械通气支持治疗等。从事肺损伤及慢性气道疾病的研究,研究成果多次在亚太呼吸年会(APSR)、美国胸科年会(ATS)、欧洲呼吸病学年会(ERS)等国际会议上交流并获奖,在呼吸系统权威杂志AJRCMB、Respiration等杂志上发表SCI文章12篇,总影响因子33.551。主持及参加国家自然科学基金、省市级科研项目7项。获得第38期笹川医学奖学金、华东医院骨干人才项目、美国胸科学会ATS MECOR国际课程培训项目及哈佛大学全球临床研究者培训GCSRT项目等人才项目支持。

漆远/Yuan Qi

上海科学智能研究院/Shanghai Institute of Scientific Intelligence, Shanghai, China、复旦大学/Fudan University, Shanghai, China




生物信息学, 基因组及蛋白组学,大脑图像分析;


薛新颖/Xinying Xue

首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院呼吸与危重症医学科/Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Department, Beijing Shi Ji Tan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing, China



Dr. Xue is the Deputy Director, academic leader, Associate Chief Physician, and Professor of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine at Beijing Shijitan Hospital, affiliated with Capital Medical University. He is recognized as an outstanding young scholar and doctoral supervisor at Capital Medical University, and has been honored with titles such as Beijing Outstanding Young Talent, Beijing Top Young Talent, and Taishan Scholar, etc.

Dr. Xue primarily focuses on clinical and mechanistic research of pulmonary fungal infections and lung tumors. He has published over 70 SCI papers as the first author or corresponding author (including co-authorship), with 12 papers having an impact factor greater than 10. He holds 18 national invention patents and has received more than 10 awards as the primary recipient, including the 24th National Patent Excellence Award and the Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress by the Ministry of Education. Additionally, Dr. Xue serves as a member of the Chinese Medical Association for High Altitude Medicine, the Chinese Radiologist Association, the Chinese Antituberculosis Association for MDT, and the Chinese Alliance Against Lung Cancer.

魏益平/Yiping Wei

南昌大学第二附属医院/The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China



黄翔宇/Xiangyu Huang

联影医疗技术集团有限公司/Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., LTD, Shanghai, China

2011 年至今,历任上海联影医疗科技股份有限公司 CT 事业部 CEO、企业信息技术与安全管理部 CEO、U+事业部CEO、超声事业部 CEO、数字技术产业事业群CEO、公司高级副总裁、联影医疗技术集团有限公司数字化业务负责人。


黄翔宇先生在上海联影医疗科技股份有限公司建立了一支掌握完整系统及探测器等核心部件研发能力的CT团队,实现了从16 到 320 排CT 10 余款机型的完整产品线的研发和布局。
