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Research progress and clinical application of cooled radiofrequency ablation

Dandan Gu, Ruiyan Qian, Danni Rui, Difang Liu, Haitao Yao, Yifan Yang, Yu Zhou

School of Health Sciences and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai  200093, China.

Address correspondence to: Yu Zhou, School of Health Sciences and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, No.516 Jungong Road, Shanghai 200093, China. Tel: 18021042556. E-mail: zhouyu@usst. edu.cn.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61189/585036wxisob

Received December 4, 2023; Accepted January 8, 2024; Published June 30, 2024


● Cooled radiofrequency ablation (CRFA) represents an advancement in RF ablation, enhancing treatment safety and efficacy through electrode cooling. 

● CRFA principles, electrode cooling methods, efficacy evaluation, and an overview of major CRFA devices available on the market are comprehensively analyzed. 

● The clinical advancements in applying CRFA technology indicate its feasibility and safety as a viable treatment modality.


Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a minimally invasive clinical treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to generate heat, resulting in the thermal necrosis of targeted tissues. To enhance the therapeutic benefits of traditional  RFA, cooled RFA (CRFA) technology has been developed. CRFA incorporates cooling technology to prevent thermal  damage and rapid impedance changes caused by tissue overheating. This review article provides a comprehensive overview of various types of cooling electrode needles used in CRFA, as well as an evaluation of their efficacy  and clinical applications. We discuss the advantages of CRFA, including its minimally invasive nature, improved  safety profile, and highly effective treatment outcomes. Nevertheless, certain problems and limitations are also  addressed to optimize the potential of CRFA as a clinical treatment option. Overall, CRFA has promising prospects.  With continued advancements in technology and further research, this innovative treatment modality is expected  to significantly impact the treatment of a wide range of medical conditions.

Keywords: Cooled radiofrequency ablation, cooling electrode needle, therapeutic effect evaluation, clinical application

Gu DD, Qian RY, Rui DN, et al. Research progress and clinical application of cooled radiofrequency ablation. Prog in Med Devices 2024 Jun; 2(2): 44-53. doi: 10.61189/585036wxisob.