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A comprehensive review of spike sorting algorithms in neuroscience

Wentao Quan1 , Youguo Hao2 , Xudong Guo1 , Peng Wang1 , Yukai Zhong

1 School of Health Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093,  China. 2 Putuo District People’s Hospital, Shanghai 200060, China. 3 Yangpu District Kongjiang Hospital, Shanghai  200082, China.

Address correspondence to: Youguo Hao, Putuo District People’s Hospital, No.1291 Jiangning Road, Putuo,  Shanghai 200060, China. Email: youguohao6@163.com.

Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the Science and Technology Innovation Plan of Shanghai Science  and Technology Commission (22S31902200).

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61189/016816myowlr

Received December 17, 2023; Accepted January 15, 2024; Published June 30, 2024


● The detailed steps of spike sorting algorithm and the different algorithms used in each step are summarized. 

● The advantages and disadvantages of each step of spike sorting algorithm are compared. 

● The detailed application of deep learning technology in spike sorting is introduced.


Spike sorting plays a pivotal role in neuroscience, serving as a crucial step of separating electrical signals recorded from multiple neurons to further analyze neuronal interactions. This process involves separating electrical signals that originate from multiple neurons, recorded through devices like electrode arrays. This is a very important  link in the field of brain-computer interfaces. The objective of spike sorting algorithm (SSA) is to distinguish the  behavior of one or more neurons from background noise using the waveforms captured by brain-embedded electrodes. This article starts from the steps of the conventional SSA and divides the SSA into three steps: spike detection, spike feature extraction, and spike clustering. It outlines prevalent algorithms for each phase before delving  into two emerging technologies: template matching and deep learning-based methods. The discussion on deep  learning is further subdivided into three approaches: end-to-end solution, deep learning for spike sorting steps,  and spiking neural networks-based solutions. Finally, it elaborates future challenges and development trends of SSAs.

Keywords: Spike sorting, spike detection, feature extraction, clustering, deep learning

Quan WT, Hao YG, Guo XD, et al. A comprehensive review of spike sorting algorithms in neuroscience. Prog in Med Devices 2024 Jun; 2 (2): 54-65. doi: 10.61189/016816myowlr
