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Analysis and modeling of forced-damped vibrations and their applications in medicine

Zine Ghemari 

Electrical Engineering Department, Mohamed Boudiaf University of M’sila, 28000, Algeria 

Address correspondence to: Zine Ghemari, Electrical Engineering Department, Mohamed Boudiaf University of M’sila, P.O. Box 166, Ichbilya, M’Sila 28000, Algeria. E-mail: ghemari-zine@live.fr.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61189/871955jstyqr

Received December 20, 2023; Accepted February 27, 2024; Published March 31, 2024


● The study explores how forced-damped vibrations can be applied in various medical contexts. This may include using vibrations for medical imaging techniques such as ultrasound or MRI, where vibrations are applied to the body to generate images of internal structures. 

● Vibrations can also be utilized for tissue characterization, diagnosis of medical conditions, and therapeutic interventions such as vibration therapy for rehabilitation or pain management.


Forced-damped vibrations are pivotal in various medical applications, significantly contributing to the examination of tissue mechanical properties, development of medical devices, and understanding of biological systems’ complexities. These vibrations represent the dynamic behavior of systems subjected to external forces and damping, where an external force continues to act, and damping determines the rate of energy dissipation. Advanced exploration of damping properties has led to the creation of novel technologies and methods, enhancing our ability to probe and manipulate the complex mechanical dynamics of biological tissues.

Keywords: Analysis, modeling, damped vibrations, medicine

Zine G. Analysis and modeling of forced-damped vibrations  and their applications in medicine. Prog in Med Devices. 2024 Mar;2(1):30-37. doi: 10.61189/871955jstyqr. 