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The application of mammography imaging in the diagnosis and prediction of breast diseases

Siyan Liu1,*, Guihua Wu2,*, Changjiang Zhou2,#, Shiju Yan1,#, Haipo Cui

1School of Health Sciences and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China. 2Department of Sonography, People's Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University, Jinan 271100, Shandong, China. 

*The authors contribute equally. 

#Address correspondence to: Changjiang Zhou, Department of Sonography, People's Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University, Changshao North Road, Laiwu District, Jinan 271100, China. E-mail: 390585866@ qq.com/jnsrmyybgs@jn.shandong.cn. Shiju Yan, School of Health Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, No.516 Jungong Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200093, China. Tel: 18217617984. E-mail: yanshiju@usst.edu.cn.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61189/295735bbiagx

Received September 22, 2023; Accepted December 6, 2023; Published March 31, 2024


Computer-assisted detection, diagnosis, and prediction systems have played an effective role in diagnosing and treating female breast diseases and monitoring the course of disease. Especially in mammography imaging, they provide key support for the early diagnosis of breast cancer. This highlights the significance of modern technology in enhancing breast disease management and improving women's health.


Breast diseases pose a significant threat to women's health, so early detection and treatment are extremely important. In this context, early disease identification has become crucial in the diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases. This paper begins by outlining the pivotal role of mammography in the early diagnosis of breast cancer, comparing the structural similarities and differences between normal and diseased breast tissues. This comparison underscores the primary role of mammography in the diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases. Additionally, our paper provides an overview of fundamental concepts related to breast cancer detection, diagnosis, and prediction systems. It delves into the latest research developments in auxiliary diagnostic detection, examination, and risk prediction systems associated with breast cancer. Our objective is to offer a comprehensive understanding of the role of computer-aided detection, diagnosis, and prediction systems in breast diseases, fostering further development and application. This work aims to explore and drive innovation in the field, enhance early detection rates of breast diseases, and guide readers towards novel directions, thus contributing to female healthcare management.

Keywords: Mammography, imaging, computer-aided diagnosis, deep learning, multi-modality

Liu SY, Wu GH, Zhou CJ, et al. The application of mammography imaging in the  diagnosis and prediction of breast diseases. Prog in Med Devices. 2024 Mar;2(1):1-11. doi: 10.61189/295735bbiagx. 