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Design and simulation of a multi-functional radiofrequency tissue welding electrode

Wanwen Yang, Lin Mao, Yilong Chen, Chengli Song

Shanghai Institute for Minimally Invasive Therapy, School of Health Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China, 200093

Address correspondence to: Lin Mao, Shanghai Institute for Minimally Invasive Therapy, School of Health Science and Engineering, NO.516, Jungong Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200093, China. Tel: +86-21-55572159. E-mail: linmao@usst.edu.cn.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61189/299269sghbqx

Received August 21, 2023; Accepted December 6, 2023; Published December 31, 2023


● Two novel electrodes (one with circle surface and the other with square and arched surface) were designed for radiofrequency intestinal anastomosis, and their effects were compared to a control electrode (smoot surface).

● The temperature and thermal damage to tissue produced by the two designed electrodes during welding are lower than those by the control electrode. 

● The electrode with square and arched surface has a smaller effective welding area and better effect on intestinal anastomosis.


Purpose: To explore the effect of electrode structure on welding quality by modifying the structure of magnesium alloy electrode. Methods: Two novel electrodes were designed in this study, including one with a circle (C) surface and the other with a square and arched (SA) surface. The designed electrodes were compared to a control electrode with a smooth surface in terms of temperature distribution, thermal damage to tissue, and effective welding area. Finite element analysis was used to analyze the stress and strain of all electrodes and thermal damage to the tissue. Results: Pressure applied to the designed electrodes was within the elastic limit, and the deformation was less than 1%. The highest temperature of SA electrode (99.6 ℃) was similar to that of the control (100 ℃), while that of C electrode (106 ℃) was higher than the control. The mean temperature at the welding site in intestine of the control electrode was significantly higher than that of the other two electrodes. Besides, the mean temperature of C electrode was also slightly higher than that of SA electrode. The tissues welded by the control electrode, C electrode and SA electrode were completely necrotic within an axial distance of 2.546 mm, 2.079 mm, and 1.835 mm from the edge of the welding area, respectively. Conclusion: SA electrode has the lowest thermal damage compared with the other two electrodes due to smaller effective welding area. Therefore, SA electrode is better than the other two electrodes.

Keywords: Radiofrequency energy, electrode structure, anastomosis, thermal damage

Yang WW, Mao L, Chen YL, et al. Design and simulation of a multi-functional radiofrequency tissue welding electrode. Prog in Med Devices. 2023 Dec;1(3):120-130. doi: 10.61189/299269sghbqx. 