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Research progress on biliary stents

Qi Zhang, Haipo Cui, Yan Zhang, Hexuan Jiang

School of Health Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China.

Address correspondence to: Haipo Cui, School of Health Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, NO.516, Jungong Road, Shanghai 200093, China. Tel: +86-21-55271290. E-mail: h_b_cui@163.com.

Received February 5, 2023; Accepted September 11, 2023; Published September 30, 2023

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61189/031576vfjfax


● Plastic stents are more suitable for diseases such as benign bile duct stenosis.

● Metal-uncoated biliary stents are available for patients with malignant biliary obstruction.

● Degradability of biliary stents is a major research direction at present.


Bile duct stenosis is a common condition in gastroenterology and hepatobiliary surgery and can be divided into benign stenosis and malignant stenosis according to different etiologies. The implantation of a gall stent into the site of the stenosis or obstruction is currently an important means of treating the bile duct stenosis. Biliary stents encompass two main types: plastic stents and metal stents. In recent years, biodegradable biliary stents and drug-eluting stents have also emerged. The material and structure of biliary stents have an important influence on their performance. In this paper, the research progress on biliary stent implantation technology in the treatment of biliary stenosis is reviewed. Besides, the advantages and disadvantages of biliary stents made from different materials and structures, along with their respective indications are summarized, and the development trend of degradable biliary stents is prospected.

Keywords: Bile duct stenosis, biliary stents, structural design, biodegradable biliary stents

Zhang Q, Cui HP, Zhang Y, et al. Research progress on biliary stents. Prog in Med Devices. 2023 Sept;1(2):65-74. doi: 10.61189/031576vfjfax. 