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ISSN: 2957-5478
Indexed in: Google Scholar, Dimensions, Crossref, CNKI
Editor-in-Chief: Haipo Cui
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Editorial Board
Haipo Cui h_b_cui@163.com

Distinguished Professor and Vice President of the School of Health science and Engineering at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China

Haipo Cui, deputy director of the Shanghai high-performance medical device materials engineering technology research center, has been engaged in the design and development of medical device products for a long time. As the project leader, he has presided over 7 national and provincial level projects and nearly 20 enterprise horizontal projects. More than 80 papers have been published in core journals all over the world. He was awarded the Third Prize of Shanghai Scientific and Technological Progress Award (2015), the Second Prize of Technological Invention Award of China Machinery Industry Federation (2015).

Executive Editor-in-Chief
Liwen Chen chenlw@usst.edu.cn

Lecturer and supervisor of masters in Biomedical engineering at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China

Liwen Chen has been engaged in the design, analysis and application of polymer materials in medical applications for years. Up to the present, Dr. Chen has published 8 papers in high-level international journals indexed by SCI, such as PNAS and Macromolecules. She has presided over the Starlight Project "Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan" (Sail Raising special Project) in Shanghai in 2022. She has also participated in two National Science Foundation NSF projects and received the Frank J. Padden, Jr. Award from the American Physical Society.

Associate professor and supervisor of masters of School of Health Sciences and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China

Lin Mao has been engaged in the development and research of precision minimally invasive medical devices and advanced biomedical materials for years. Dr. Mao has presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation and the "Postdoctoral International Academic Exchange Program", and participates in the key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission. She has applied for 6 invention patents, and 2 patents have been authorized. She has published more than 30 SCI papers, and some important findings have been published in internationally renowned journals "Nanoscale", "ACS Applied Materials & Interface" and "Scientific Reports".

Editorial Board Members
Badgujar Ravindra D ravindrabadgujar12683@gmail.com

Associate Professor, E and TC Engineering at R C Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur, India

Dr. Badgujar Ravindra D received E&TC Engineering Ph.D. in North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon in 2021. He is a Associate Professor in E&TC Engineering at R C Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur. He has published 12 papers in renowned international journals and many conference papers as first author and 4 patents. 
Ali Soltani Sharif Abadi ali.soltani_sharif_abadi.dokt@pw.edu.pl

Doctoral degree, Electrical Engineering-Control, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

Ali Soltani Sharif Abadi received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Urmia University, Urmia, Iran, in 2016. He graduated with a master’s degree in control from Yazd University, Yazd, Iran, in 2019. He started his doctoral studies in October 2020 at the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Warsaw, Poland. He has been working as a Research Assistant (RA) at WUT from June 2022 to April 2023. He is currently a faculty member and academic teacher at the WUT, Warsaw, Poland. He has received the "IJCAS Contribution Award 2020". Also, he was awarded as the "young author" at the "XXI Polish Control Conference 2023". His research interests include control systems, robotic minimally invasive surgery, nonlinear control, fuzzy logic, state and disturbance observers, sliding mode control, self-tuning controllers, industrial robotics, and finite/fixed and predefined time stabilization methods.

Deputy Dean (Research and Development) at SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana

Dr. Atul Babbar works as Deputy Dean (Research & Development) at SGT University, Gurugram. He has completed his doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, India.He has authored more than 60 research articles in various International/National Web of Science (SCI/SCIE), and Scopus indexed journals. His research papers have 800+ citations with h-index 17 and i10 index 30. He has 20 published Indian patents and 04 GRANTED International patents. He is serving as Guest Editor of special issues for the "International Journal of Interactive Design and Manufacturing" Springer and "Machines" MDPI Journals. He is also serving as Book Series Editor for Taylor & Francis. He has reviewed research articles for various peer-reviewed Web of Science and Scopus-indexed journals. He has published many international books and book chapters in multiple databases. He is an Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers (AMIE), India.

Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Orthopedics at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Beijing, China

Li Cheng is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Orthopedics at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital. He completed his Ph.D. at Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin in Germany, under the sponsorship of the China Scholarship Council (CSC). Currently, he holds the position of Director at the Spinal Orthopedic Medical Engineering and Technology Research Center in Henan Province. Additionally, he serves as an Academic Consultant at the Orthopedic Research Institutee in Zhoukou City.

Doctoral degree, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi, Romania

Mr. Calin Corciova has a degree in medical bioengineering, being a graduate of the Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, specialty "Biomedical Instrumentation" within the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa" Iași in 2001. He followed the master's degree entitled "Monitoring systems and telemedicine” at the same university in 2001-2002. Between the years 2008-2011, he followed the doctorate in Electrical Engineering, Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" Iași. Since 2010, he has been an internal auditor for testing and calibration laboratories according to ISO 17025:2005 and ISO 19011:2002, TUV Austria and an accredited trainer in the field of medical technology management and assessment. He attended professional training courses at g.TEC Medical Engineering GmbH (2023), Medtronic Neuronavigation Belux (2014), Drager Medical AG & Co KG (2007), Alaris® SP Technical Training Level 1Care Fusion & Bio Repair Center Belgium (2012) being a specialist for diverse types of medical equipment. He is currently an associate professor at Medical Bioengineering Faculty Iasi, Romania. Author or co-author of student courses (2 books), author of national book chapter (1 chapter), co-author of international book (1 book), co-author of national book (2 books), co-author of international book chapter (6 chapters). He has seventy-three articles published in rated/indexed journals and ISI WEB of Science conferences; thirty-two articles published in BDI indexed journals; fifty-two articles published in the volumes of national/international scientific events. Project manager/partner (3 projects), research team member for national contract projects (12 projects) and international projects (3 projects). Member of professional associations: IEEE senior member, IFMBE-CED Council and collaborators - Global Clinical Engineering Alliance, International Society of Bionic Engineering.


Chuang Li c.li01@umcg.nl

PhD degree from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands

Chuang Li is doctoral candidate in Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Groningen and University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands.

His research is primarily focused on magnetic-controlled micro-medical robots engineered for precise medical interventions within the human body.

Rooted in the principles of magnetic field control, his concentration lies in the design and construction of micro-robotic systems tailored for specific medical tasks.

He participates in the MAESTRO (Magneto-Acoustically Engineered Steerable Robots) project, which is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant.

H. KURSAT CELIK hkcelik@akdeniz.edu.tr

PhD degree from the Department of Agricultural Machinery at Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey

Dr. Celik holds a BSc degree (2003) and a MSc degree (2006) in Mechanical Education Science from Kocaeli University (Turkey), as well as a second BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering (Engineering CompleƟon Program) from the Faculty of Engineering at Akdeniz University (Turkey) (2022). He obtained his PhD degree from the Department of Agricultural Machinery at Akdeniz University in 2013, where he conducted research in the field of agricultural machinery and equipment design. Dr Celik's research interests primarily lie in computer-aided design and engineering, engineering simulations, finite element method/analysis, structural optimization, materials testing, experimental stress analysis, agricultural machinery/equipment design, reverse engineering, and additive manufacturing applications.
Anilkumar K. K kkanil@cusat.ac.in

Associate Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering in Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, India

Anilkumar K K received Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Electronics & Communication from Mangalore University, Karnataka, India in 1992 and MBA with specialization in HRM from Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India in 2000. He obtained Master of Technology (M.Tech) degree in Electronics (Microwave & Radar) from Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, India in 2010 and Ph.D. from  Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, India on the topic "Automated Detection and Classification of Leukaemia by Image Processing and Deep Learning Techniques". He mainly focuses in topics related to Computer Aided Diagnosis, Applications of AI in Medicine and Biomedical Engineering, Medical Image Processing & Analysis, Microwaves and Antennas etc. and has published 5 SCI papers in renowned international journals and many conference papers as first author and reviewer for popular journals Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, IET Computer Vision, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Biomedical Engineering – Applications, Basis and Communications, Cogent Engineering, Cybernetics and Systems etc. and associated with many international conferences as Session chair and TPC member and reviewer.

Renan Prasta Jenie qwerty_user1983@outlook.com

Head of Graduate Program in Public Health, Faculty of health Science and Technology, Binawan University, East Jakarta, Indonesia

Renan Prasta Jenie is a lecturer in Binawan University, and also a research and development staff in Indonesian Artificial Intelligence Society. His research includes software engineering, artificial intelligence, medical devices, and non-invasive biomarker measurement. He is an author of seventeen Scopus indexed proceedings articles, six journal articles, two book chapters, five registered patents, and editorial assistant for a book. He was a recipient of the 110 and 112 Indonesian Innovation Awards by Business Innovation Center in 2018 and 2020.
Tushar H. Jaware tusharjaware@gmail.com

Associate Professor, E and TC Engineering at R C Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur, India

Dr. Tushar H. Jaware received E&TC Engineering Ph.D in NSGBAU, Amravati in 2017. He is a Associate Professor in E&TC Engineering at R C Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur. He has published 27 papers in renowned international journals and many conference papers as first author and 6 patents. 

Associate Professor of Surgery at Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei, China

Weihua Qiao, MD, PhD, is a Cardiovascular Surgeon and Associate Professor of Surgery at Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Dr. Qiao earned his medical degree from Chongqing Medical University in 2011. He obtained his PhD in the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology with Dr. Nianguo Dong in 2016. His clinical interests include minimally invasive cardiac surgery, complex congenital cardiac surgery, and cardiac transplantation. Dr. Qiao serves as Principal Investigator on grants funded by National Key Research and Development Plan of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and other national/funding resources. His research is focused on biomedical materials and cardiovascular tissue engineering. Dr. Qiao has published more than 40 peer-review research papers including European Heart Journal, Advanced Functional Materials and Acta Biomaterialia, and filed more than 10 patents. He has served as an editorial member and peer reviewer for several scientific journals in cardiovascular research and biomaterials. He has also served as mentor or advisor for a number of postdoctoral fellows, medical students, graduate and undergraduate students.
Zine Ghemari ghemari-zine@live.fr

PhD and accreditation to supervise research degrees in electromechanical from the University Badji Mokhtar-Annaba, Annaba, Algeria

Zine Ghemari was born in Bouhadjar, Algeria, in 1980. He received the Engineer, master’s, Ph.D., and accreditation to supervise research degrees in electromechanical from the University of Badji-Mokhtar, Annaba, Algeria, in 2003, 2006, 2013, and 2015, respectively. He has published several papers in international conferences and international journals. His research interests are mainly in the area of sensors, instrumentation, maintenance, and vibration measurement. He is a TPC member of some international conferences. He is currently serving as an editorial board member and a reviewer of several international journals.

Yanhuai Ding yhding@xtu.edu.cn

Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, China

Yanhuai Ding obtained his Ph.D. from Xiangtan University in 2011 and is currently a professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics at Xiangtan University. He has published over 150 papers in international journals and holds 5 invention patents. His research interests are primarily in the fields of biosensors, biomaterials, instrumentation, and medical robots. At present, he serves as an editorial board member and a reviewer for several international journals.

Xinlei Wu xinlei_wu@126.com

Associate research professor, Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Zhejiang, China

Dr. Wu's postdoctoral research was conducted under the guidance of Professor William Wijns, Chairman of the EuroPCR Conference, and Professor Patrick W. Serruys, a leading figure in clinical research on interventional cardiology. His research focused on the application value of a coronary angiography-based superficial wall dynamic calculation model in clinical practice. Dr. Wu completed his doctoral studies under the supervision of Professor Shengxian Tu, a "Changjiang Scholar" from the team of Academician Yazhu Chen of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the founder of QFR and OFR computational functional tools in the field of cardiovascular interventions.

Dr. Wu has long been engaged in research on the biomechanical mechanisms of cardiac valves, coronary arteries, the spine, and various joints based on clinical imaging, as well as the optimization design and mechanical functional evaluation of corresponding clinical implants. He is proficient in the development of structured mesh generation algorithms for complex human tissues, nonlinear finite element structural dynamic simulation, computational fluid dynamics, fluid-structure interaction analysis (in vivo coronary mechanics environment assessment), and medical image processing (three-dimensional reconstruction, registration algorithms).

Assistant professor and master supervisor in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China

Dr. Jiajun Xu is an assistant professor and master supervisor in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China. He received the Ph.D. degree from University of Science and Technology of China and City University of Hong Kong concurrently in 2021. He has been working as an assistant professor in the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics since July 2021. His research interests include rehabilitation robotics, biomedical robotics, biomimetic robotics, human-robot interaction, soft robotics, smart material actuation, and artificial intelligence. He has hosted or participated in more than 10 national or provincial research projects, published more than 20 SCI/El papers in high-level journals or conferences, and applied for or authorized more than 30 national patents. He won the Best Paper Award Finalist of 2019 ICMA (IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation), Winner Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences “First Cup” Future Technology Innovation Competition, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) Postgraduate Scholarship, Guanghua Scholarship, etc. In 2022, he was selected into the “Double Creation Doctor” Talent Plan of Jiangsu Province. Also, he was awarded the Merit-Based Funding of the Nanjing Science and Technology Innovation Project for Overseas Scholars. He has served as a reviewer for many journals or conferences such as IEEE RAL, ICRA, IROS, and ROBIO, and a reviewer for the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Associate professor, School of Health Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China

Rongguo Yan is dedicated to the research of application of microcontroller, embedded system, and Android and iOS in the field of medical devices; application of low-power Bluetooth technology on medical devices; biomedical engineering, precision medical devices and invasive medical devices. Dr. Yan has published nearly 30 high-level papers, and presided over the writing of three textbooks and over two key course projects of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. In 2018, he led a delegation to the University of Tacuari Valley, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil for academic and cultural exchange.

Associate professor, School of Health Science and Engineering and the Minimally Invasive Medical Device Engineering Research Center, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China

Shiju Yan's research area is the intelligent auxiliary medical decision-making (prediction, diagnosis, prognosis) based on medical image information mining, and optimal design of medical equipment and devices. Dr. Yan has presided over 1 project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund and 1 project of the Scientific Research and Innovation Fund of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. He has participated in 3 general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 project of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, and many horizontal and medical-engineering interdisciplinary projects. He has published many papers, some of them have been published in international academic journals in the field of medical image processing, such as Medical Physics, International Journal of Computer-assisted Radiology and Surgery. In addition, he has applied for invention patents and a number of them have been authorized. He guides students to participate in many national competitions such as 3D design, Internet+, life sciences, electronic competition, and digital analogy and get awards.

Associate professor, School of Health Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China

Yu Zhou mainly works in the research of medical application of radiofrequency (RF), masters the key technologies of RF medical devices, and has developed adaptive electrosurgery devices, tumor RF ablation devices and RF lipolysis devices. Dr. Zhou is familiar with medical electrical safety standards and electromagnetic compatibility requirements and specializes in electrical safety and electromagnetic compatibility compliance design of medical electronic devices; he is proficient in electronic design theory and design concepts with outstanding hardware development skills and rich experience in R&D of medical electronic devices. He has presided over projects from Shanghai Natural Science Foundation and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, and completed two science and technology support projects in the field of biomedicine in Shanghai Science and Technology Commission as the main participant. He has published 6 SCI papers and successfully completed the compliance design of several medical devices.
Associate Editors
Zhanheng Chen chen_zhanheng@163.com

Ph.D., University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Dr. Chen, winner of the Dean Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Project evaluation expert of National Natural Science Foundation of China, is a Big Data Analyst (Senior). At present, more than 40 SCI and EI papers have been published in Briefings in bioinformatics (Top journal), PLoS Computational Biology, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids (cell sub-journal), Bioinformatics, iScience, BMC genomics, Frontiers in Genetics and other internationally renowned journals. He applied for four national patents (including two invention patents and one utility model), presided over one youth project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and participated in seven scientific research projects (two national key R & D projects). He is also the reviewer of several SCI journals such as Briefings in Bioinformatics (Top journals), Expert Systems With Applications (Top journals), Knowledge-Based Systems (Top journals), Neurocomputing, and the chairman of ICIC2020 International Academic Conference. Members of ICIC2021, ICIC2022 International Academic Conference Procedure Committee and BIBM2023 International Academic Conference Procedure Committee. Google cited 868 times, H index 16, i10 index 23.

Qinglai Zang qlzangcs@163.com

M.D., University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China

Dr. Zang, information technician of Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, passed the computer technology and software professional technical primary qualification, computer three-level examination. The undergraduate studied in the electronic information engineering major of China University of Petroleum (East China). During the period, he presided over a national-level innovation project (10,000 RMB of funds, the first in-hospital review), and won the first prize of Shandong Robot Competition and the Shandong Competition Area Winning Award of the National College Students' Intelligent Automobile Competition. Master of Biomedical Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, mainly engaged in medical image processing, participated in three research projects, published two SCI papers, and won the third prize of China Postgraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling. During the period of school, there are several other kinds of school-level awards, honorary titles and scholarships.


M.D., Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China

Xue Wei graduated from Chongqing Medical University. She has worked as an editor for many years and has rich experience in language polishing.
Wenjun Pang 963240634@qq.com

M.D., Kunming Medical University, Yunnan, China

Wenjun Pang graduated from North Sichuan Medical College with a bachelor's degree and Kunming Medical University with a master's degree. She has rich experience in manuscript processing.