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Endless possibilities in academia

ISSN: 3006-4236
主编: 白春学,顾建英
Editor-in-Chief: Chunxue Bai, Jianying Gu
Email: metaversemed@zentimecorp.com
投稿/Submit 审稿/Review
Information for Reviewers

审稿指南/Information for Reviewers


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  • Zentime志愿审稿福利/Benefits for Volunteer Reviewers


    a. 符合条件的审稿人未来向任何Zentime旗下期刊投递文章时,可以豁免或减免版面费(APC)。

    b. 审稿流程结束后,审稿人将会收到个人审稿证书。

    c. 审稿人会被列入期刊年度审稿人致谢名单。

    d. 贡献突出者将有资格获得杰出审稿人奖。

    Peer review is an essential part in the publication process, which ensures the paper published in Zentime maintains high quality, and reviewers are the cornerstone of the peer review process. Reviewing is routinely an unseen and unrewarded task. We are striving to recognize the efforts of reviewers by the following measures.

    a. The eligible reviewers can enjoy a waiver or reduction in the article processing charge (APC) of a future submission to any Zentime journal.

    b. The reviewer will receive an individual reviewer certificate after the review process.

    c. The reviewers are included in the journal’s annual acknowledgment of reviewers.

    d. The reviewers with great contributions will be considered eligible for the journal’s outstanding reviewer award.

  • 欢迎加入Zentime审稿人库/Invitation to Join Zentime Volunteer Reviewer Database




    If you are interested in reviewing articles for one or more of our journals, please provide your contact details, including your institutional affiliation, a short CV, and 5-6 keywords in line with your expertise for the registration in following website: 

    Become a reviewer

    We will send you a notification once approved.

  • 审稿邀请/Invitation to Review



    a. 根据自身专业知识、稿件标题与摘要,判断是否接受或拒绝邀请;

    b. 在适当情况下推荐其他审稿人;

    c. 如果无法按时完成审稿,及时提出延期申请;

    d. 若有他人如同事或学生一同参与审稿,请告知我们。


    a. 为稿件提供一个总体建议(可接受、小修或大修、拒稿);

    b. 评估稿件的原创性、重要性、表达质量、科学严谨性、读者兴趣、整体价值以及英语语言使用;

    c. 审查稿件的参考文献列表,检查有无不正确或不恰当的引用;

    d. 提供详细且有建设性的审稿报告/评论;

    e. 若审稿中的稿件与任何已发布或先前提交的内容有实质性相似,应提醒编辑。

    Manuscripts submitted to Zentime are reviewed by at least two experts. Reviewers are asked to evaluate the quality of and make comments on the manuscript and to provide a recommendation to the editor on whether a manuscript shall be accepted, needs revisions or should be rejected.


    Specifically, invited reviewers should:

    a. Accept or decline any invitations quickly, based on her/his own expertise, the manuscript title and abstract;

    b. Recommend alternative reviewers if appropriate;

    c. Request an extension if the review cannot be completed in due time;

    d. Let us know if anyone else, such as a colleague or student has participated in the review.


    As part of the assessment, reviewers should:

    a. Provide an overall recommendation for the manuscript (can be accepted, requires minor or major revisions or should be rejected);

    b. Rate the originality, significance, quality of the presentation, scientific soundness, interest to the readers, overall merit and English language of the manuscript;

    c. Go through the reference list of the manuscript and check if there are incorrect or inappropriate citations;

    d. Provide detailed and constructive review report/comments;

    e. Alert editors that the manuscript under review is substantially similar to any published or previously submitted content.

  • 潜在利益冲突/Potential Conflicts of Interests



    We seek reviewers for Zentime who do not have conflicts of interest with the authors and are familiar with the research area involved in the manuscripts they reviewed. In addition to this precaution, reviewers are required to disclose any potential conflicts with the evaluation of the paper, or withdraw their services for that manuscript if necessary, and this information is taken into account by the editors when decisions are made.

    Reviewers should inform the journal editor if there is a conflict of interest that may cause prejudice to the review report, either in a positive or negative way. Despite the editorial office will check as far as possible before sending the invitation, we still greatly appreciate the cooperation from the reviewers in this matter. In the case of being invited to assess a manuscript that they previously reviewed for another journal, reviewers should feel free to let us know if the manuscript has been improved or not compared to the previous version.

  • 保密性和匿名性/Confidentiality and Anonymity



    Reviewers should keep the major content of the manuscript confidential, including the abstract. Reviewers must inform the Editorial Office if they would like a student or colleague to complete the review.

    Zentime adopts the single-blind peer review process. Reviewers should be careful enough to not reveal their identities to the authors in their comments.

  • 及时提交审稿意见/Timely Review Comments


    Zentime aims to provide an efficient and high-quality publishing service to authors as well as the scientific community. 

    We appreciate reviewers to assist us by providing review reports in a timely manner. Please contact the editorial office if you require an extension to the review deadline.

  • 同行评审流程/Peer-Review Procedure



    此外,我们会通过Turnitin、Cross check或iThenticate评估稿件的原创性。



    对于这里未给出解答的相关问题,审稿人可使用网页反馈(Feedback)联系我们,或发送电子邮件至 editorialoffice@zentimecorp.com 。

    All manuscripts, including Research articles, Reviews, and Brief Communications, sent for publication in our journals are strictly and thoroughly peer-reviewed by the expert reviewers. Retraction and Erratum may also be peer-reviewed at the discretion of the editors.

    To save time for both authors and peer-reviewers, only those papers that seem most likely to meet our publication criteria are sent for formal expert review, which is decided by Managing Editor of the journal. Those papers judged to be insufficient in general interest or inappropriate by our editors are directly rejected without external review.

    Furthermore, the originality of the manuscript is assessed (Turnitin, Cross check or iThenticate) to screen the qualified papers.

    Later, Editorial Office will organize the peer-review process performed by independent experts and collect at least two review reports per manuscript. The authors are asked for adequate revisions (with a second round of peer-review if necessary) before a final decision is made.

    The final decision will be made by the academic editor (usually the Editor-in-Chief/Editorial Board Member of a journal or the Guest Editor of a Special Issue). Accepted articles will be copy-edited and English-edited.

    For any general questions and comments about the peer-review and editorial procedures that are not addressed here, reviewers are encouraged to contact us using the feedback links or send e-mail to editorialoffice@zentimecorp.com.

  • 在线审稿/Online Manuscript Review


    We ask peer-reviewers to upload their review comments via our online system.

  • 稿件评估/Manuscript Evaluation


    1. 原创性/新颖性:科学问题是否原创且定义明确?结果相比当前已有知识是否具有进步意义?

    2. 重要性:结果解释是否恰当?是否具有重要性?所有结论是否合理,是否具备结果的有力支撑?假设和推测是否经过仔细检验?

    3. 呈现质量:文章撰写方式是否恰当?数据分析逻辑是否清晰?结果呈现是否符合高质量高标准?

    4. 科学严谨:研究设计是否正确,技术是否可靠?分析是否采用最高技术标准执行?数据是否足够稳健以得出结论?方法、工具、软件和试剂的描述是否足够详细,可供其他研究者复制结果?

    5. 读者兴趣:文章结论是否可以引起读者阅读兴趣?文章将会吸引广泛读者群,还是限于少数?(详情敬请参考各个期刊的目标和范围)

    6. 整体价值:发布这篇稿件是否具备较高的总体价值?文章是否使得当前学术更进一步?作者是否通过合理可靠的实验解答了一个至关重要且长期存在的问题?

    7. 英语写作:英语语言是否恰当且易于理解?



    1. 稿件应只报告以前未提交或发表过的结果,即使仅为部分结果也应如此。

    2. 稿件必须原创,未经恰当引用,不得重复使用其他来源的文本。

    3. 在报告人类受试者或动物的实验时,作者应提供一份具有批准号和和伦理审查委员会(IRB)批准报告的伦理声明。

    4. 当报告一项临床试验时,必须在公认的国际临床试验注册中心(如ClinicalTrials.gov和ISRCTN注册中心)注册,作者应提供注册中心的名称、试验编号和试验URL。



    The reviewers are suggested to assess the following aspects of the manuscript:

    1. Originality/Novelty: Is the scientific question original and well defined? Are the results advanced compared to current knowledge?

    2. Significance: Are the results interpreted appropriately? Are they significant? Are all the conclusions justified and sufficiently supported by the results? Are the hypotheses and speculations carefully tested?

    3. Quality of Presentation: Is the article written in an appropriate way? Are the data and analyses presented logically? Are the results presented with high standards?

    4. Scientific Soundness: Is the study correctly designed and technically sound? Are the analyses performed with the highest technical standards? Are the data robust enough to draw the conclusions? Are the methods, tools, software, and reagents described with sufficient details to allow another researcher to reproduce the results?

    5. Interest to the Readers: Are the conclusions interesting for the readership of the Journal? Will the paper attract a wide readership, or only limited readers? (Please see the Aims and Scope of the journal for details)

    6. Overall Merit: Is there an overall benefit to publishing this manuscript? Does the work provide an advance towards the current knowledge? Have the authors addressed an important long-standing question with reasonable experiments?

    7. English Writing: Is the English language appropriate and understandable?


    Manuscripts submitted to Zentime should meet the standards of publication ethics:

    1. Manuscripts should only report results that have not been submitted or published before, even in part.

    2. Manuscripts must be original and should not re-use text from another source without appropriate citation.

    3. When reporting experiments on human subjects or animals, the authors should provide an ethics statement with approval number(s) and the Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval Report/Ethic Committee Report.

    4. When reporting a clinical trial, which must be registered in a recognized international registry (e.g., ClinicalTrials.gov and ISRCTN Register), the authors should provide the name of the registry, the trial number, and the trial URL.

    If reviewers are aware of such scientific misconduct or fraud, plagiarism or any other unethical behaviors related to the manuscript, they should raise concern with the editors immediately.