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Endless possibilities in academia

ISSN: 3006-4236
主编: 白春学,顾建英
Editor-in-Chief: Chunxue Bai, Jianying Gu
Email: metaversemed@zentimecorp.com
投稿/Submit 审稿/Review
Guideline for New Submission

新稿投稿指南/Guidelines for New Submission


The Guideline is available for download as a PDF.

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  • 稿件提交/Submission of manuscripts






    Manuscripts must be submitted through our online submission system (Maximum file size: 50 Mb). Please create a user account, log in and submit your manuscript following the submission guidelines.


    Tell us if your manuscript is a preprint:


    Manuscripts previously posted on preprint servers, including but not limited to arXiv, bioRxiv, BioRN, ChiRxiv, ChiRN, and SSRN, are also appreciated.

  • 文章类型/Manuscript Types





    •     材料与方法:此部分应简要提供清晰且可靠的信息,以便读者观察和重复该研究结果。

    •     结果:结果部分应简洁的、有逻辑的进行陈述,尽量避免加入个人判断。

    •     讨论:讨论部分应结合本研究的新发现和已发表的论文发现进行阐述。讨论部分也应声明本研究的局限性。

    •     结论:结论应清晰、简洁(少于五句话)。








    •     综述文章格式灵活,没有长度限制。

    •     在适当情形下,应描述参考文献的收集方法。

    •     建议使用标题、副标题和段落标题使文章结构更清晰。

    •     结论:结论应清晰、简洁(少于五句话)。











    Research Articles


    Manuscript on original studies should be submitted as Research Articles. The sections should be prepared as follows:

    •     Introduction: The introduction should clearly show the objective of the study, provide a brief summary of previous relevant studies, and demonstrate the new advances in the current investigation.

    •     Materials and Methods: This section should briefly give clear and solid information to allow duplication by an independent observer.

    •     Results: The results should be a concise and logical account of the new information discovered, with the least personal judgment.

    •     Discussion: The discussion should incorporate the significance of the new information and relevance of the novel findings in light of existing knowledge. Limitations should also be stated.

    •     Conclusions: The conclusions should be drawn clearly and concisely (less than five sentences).


    More information is available in the Research Article sample.


    Review Articles


    Review articles aim to provide accessible, authoritative overviews of a field or topic. Potential authors should keep in mind that they are expected to have expertise in the reviewed field. The sections should be arranged as follows:


    •     Review articles have a flexible format with no restricted length.

    •     If appropriate, the method of reference collection should be described.

    •     The use of headings, subheadings, and paragraph titles is recommended to improve clarity.

    •     Conclusions: The conclusions should be drawn clearly and concisely (less than five sentences).


    More information is available in the Review Article sample.


    Case Reports


    A case report is a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and outcomes of a certain disease.


    The article should include to the following four parts: introduction, case report or clinical series, discussion, conclusions.


    More information is available in the Case Report sample.

  • 文章格式/Manuscript Format
































    参考文献:期刊参考文献应根据Zentime的EndNote X格式进行排版。



    Author. Title. Journal Year;Volume(Issue):Pages.

    e.g., Fan ZZ, Chen ZH, Luitel SD, et al. Advances on ultrasound-guided radial artery catheterization. Perioper Precis Med 2023;1(1):2-14.



    Author. Title. Place Published. Publisher, Year.



    Author. Chapter Title. In: Editor, editors. Book Title. Place Published. Publisher, Year. p. Pages.



    Author. Title. University Year.



    Title. Available at: URL



    Author. Title (Advance online publication). Journal Year;Volume(Issue):Pages.



    Author. Title (Preprint). Platform Year.



    Author. Title. Place applied patent No. Date (2023/06/30).



    Author. Title. Volume (No.): Name of Proceedings. Publisher Year;Pages.



    Author. Title. Conference Name Year;Pages.










    所有配图应以至少300 dpi的首选分辨率业进行制作,格式为JPEG或TIFF。按照配图在文本中首次引用的顺序连续引用图片,并用阿拉伯数字(图1、图2等)标注,为每个配图提供简短标题及图释。子图应在左上角适当标注(图A、图B等),并进行详细描述,尤其是统计符号。









    Please note that articles must contain the following components:


    Title Page

    Ethics and Consent

    Clinical Trials Registration


    Abstract & Keywords

    Main Text



    Figure legends

    Units and Abbreviations

    Please see below for further details


    Title Page: The title page should include a manuscript title, authors’ name, affiliations, corresponding author’s contact information (full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address) and conflicts of Interest (existed and potential conflicts of interest that authors may have).


    Ethics and consent: Research involving human participants, human samples (tissue, blood, body fluid etc.), or human data, must have been conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and must have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee. Research involving experiments on animals must demonstrate whether an institution's guide, a national research council's guide, or any national law on the care and use of laboratory animals was followed. A statement including the name of the ethics committee and the reference number, and Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval Report or Ethics Committee Report must be provided if applicable. If a study has been granted an exemption from requiring ethics approval, this should also be stated in the manuscript. The Ethics and Consent should be disclosed both in the end of Title Page and in the Method part.


    Patient consent: Research involving experiments with human subjects or tissues must include a statement declaring that informed consent was obtained from the subjects or guardians for participation in the study. Additionally, please anonymize the patient’s details as much as possible, which is a legal requirement. For studies with no personal information and very limited clinical data, or studies with a retrospective design, consent may be waived based on the opinions of the IRB. However, for case reports involving living patients, consent cannot be waived.


    Clinical Trial Registration: Clinical trials refer to "any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate their effects on health outcomes". Purely observational studies do not require registration. Please provide the name of the registry of clinical trial, the trial number, and the trial URL when appropriate. The information of Clinical Trial Registration should be disclosed both in the Abstract and Method parts. Authors are strongly encouraged to pre-register clinical trials in suitable databases including clinicaltrials.gov, the EU Clinical Trials Register and those listed by the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform of World Health Organization.


    Highlights: Highlights are bullet points that convey the core findings of your study. Highlights are mandatory for this journal. The manuscript may include up to three to five bullet points.


    Abstract & Keywords: The abstract should briefly show the aim of the research, the results obtained and the major conclusions. The authors must include 3 to 5 key words or phrases at the end of the abstract.


    Main Text: The manuscript body of RESEARCH ARTICLES should be organized in a standard form with the following separate sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. REVIEW ARTICLES should be divided into sections and subsections as appropriate without numbering. Case reports should be organized in Introduction, Case Presentation, Results, and Conclusion.


    Acknowledgements: The acknowledgments should clearly describe aids including financial supports (grant source and number should be specified), intellectual assistance, image credits etc.


    References: The journal references should be formatted according to the EndNote X Style for Zentime ZENTIME PUBLISHING CORPORATION.zip.


    Endnote Style:Journal Article

    Author. Title. Journal Year;Volume(Issue):Pages.

    e.g., Fan ZZ, Chen ZH, Luitel SD, et al. Advances on ultrasound-guided radial artery catheterization. Perioper Precis Med 2023;1(1):2-14.


    Endnote Style:Book 

    Author. Title. Place Published. Publisher, Year.


    Endnote Style:Book Section/Chapter 

    Author. Chapter Title. In: Editor, editors. Book Title. Place Published. Publisher, Year. p. Pages.


    Endnote Style:Thesis 

    Author. Title. University Year.


    Endnote Style:Web page 

    Title. Available at: URL


    Endnote Style:Advance online publication 

    Author. Title (Advance online publication). Journal Year;Volume(Issue):Pages.


    Endnote Style:Preprint 

    Author. Title (Preprint). Platform Year.


    Endnote Style:Patent 

    Author. Title. Place applied patent No. Date (2023/06/30).


    Endnote Style:Conference Proceedings 

    Author. Title. Volume (No.): Name of Proceedings. Publisher Year;Pages.


    Endnote Style:Conference Paper 

    Author. Title. Conference Name Year;Pages.


    Figure legends: Figure legends must contain a brief title (bold) for the whole figure and a detailed description of each panel or part. In addition, all symbols used to indicate significant differences in the figures must be defined accordingly.


    Units and Abbreviations: System International (SI) units should be used for all measurements. All abbreviations should be explicitly defined at their first occurrence, except for those internationally acceptable and should not be used unless they appear at least 3 times in the abstract or text.


    Tables & Figures


    All tables should be provided in the three-line table format (editable) in a Word file. Cite tables consecutively in the numerical order of their first citation in the text by Arabic numbers (Table 1, Table 2, etc.), and provide a brief title as well as notes (if any) for each.


    All figures should be professionally prepared at a preferred resolution of at least 300 dpi, in jpeg or tiff format. Cite figures consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text by Arabic numbers (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) and provide a brief title as well as figure legends for each. Subfigures should be labeled appropriately (Figure 1A, Figure 1B, etc.) in the top left corner and described in detail, especially the statistical symbols.


    Please note that supplementary tables and figures should be submitted together with tables and figures, and the Tables & Figures file (WORD, JPEG OR TIFF, and ZIP) should not exceed 50 Mb in size.


    Supplementary File


    Supplementary files, which are directly relevant but not essential to the conclusions of the paper, should be submitted in a separate file along with the manuscript and with all subsequent submissions.


    Language editing certificate, Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval Report or Ethics Committee Report, supplementary methods, etc. can be submitted as a supplementary file (Maximum file size: 50 Mb).

  • 出版伦理声明/Publication Ethics Statement






    a. 文章中的所有材料未在其他地方发表或正考虑发表,除非得到编辑的批准。

    b. 所有作者共同设计并进行研究工作,且所有作者均已阅读、同意并批准了稿件的投稿和出版。

    c. 稿件中的所有数据都是真实的(未伪造或篡改)且可检索。

    d. 提交的稿件中所有的研究工作都是原创的,没有抄袭。引用或复制自其他来源的任何内容都应予以承认并引用(必要时需获取引用许可)。

    e. 明确声明任何利益冲突,例如,就业、咨询、个人关系和学术竞争。

    f. 涉及人类参与者、人类材料或人类数据的研究,必须按照《赫尔辛基宣言》进行,并且必须得到当地伦理委员会的批准。涉及对人类受试者或组织进行实验的研究必须包含一项声明,声明已从患者或监护人处获得了参与研究或使用其组织的知情同意。涉及动物实验的研究必须证明是否遵循了机构指南、国家伦理委员会指南或任何关于实验动物的护理和使用的国家法律。如有必要,必须提供包括伦理委员会的名称和伦理号以及伦理审查委员会(IRB)批准报告或伦理委员会报告的声明。如果一项研究已被免除伦理批准,也应在稿件中详细说明。

    g. 如果发现出版稿件中有重大错误,应立即通知期刊编辑或出版商,并在必要时进行撤稿或勘误。

    h. 应推荐三名同行评审专家及并提供其详细的联系信息(如果有的话),他们应是文章相关研究领域的专家,并能够对稿件提供客观评价。







    a. 审核通过具有卓越学术水准的稿件。

    b. 客观且及时地评审稿件。

    c. 将收到的待审阅稿件视为机密文件;不使用或泄露手稿中包含的信息、论点或解释。

    d. 待审阅稿件如果全部或部分地与任何已发布或先前提交的稿件相似,应及时向编辑反馈。

    e. 指出未被作者引用的相关已发表论文。

    f. 提示可能存在的相关的任何潜在利益冲突。







    a. 以平衡、公正和客观的方式行事,不因作者的性取向、宗教或政治信仰、性别、种族或地理背景而有所歧视。编辑对接受或拒稿拥有完全的责任和权力。

    b. 确保自身与拒绝/接受的稿件不存在利益冲突。

    c. 保护审稿人的匿名性。

    d. 根据我们的指导原则,妥善处理投诉,无论是伦理上的还是其他方面的。

    e. 根据违规的性质和严重程度,决定是否发布勘误或直接撤稿。





    a. 确保所有发表的文章符合上述标准和要求。

    b. 必要时发布任何勘误、撤稿和/或澄清。

    c. 维护学术记录的完整性,遵循高水平的知识和伦理标准。

    Generally, Zentime follows guidance produced by bodies that include the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE; https://publicationethics.org/), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME; www.wame.org) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE; www.icmje.org).


    Ethical Guidelines for Authors


    Authors should abide by academic ethics and always make sure that

    a. None of the materials in the paper have been published or are under consideration for publication elsewhere unless approved by the editors.

    b. The work was designed and conducted by all the authors and the manuscript has been written, read, and approved by all the authors.

    c. All data in the submitted manuscript are authentic (not fabricated or manipulated) and retrievable.

    d. All the work in the submitted manuscript is original with no plagiarism. Acknowledge and cite any content reproduced from other sources (obtain permission if necessary).

    e. Any conflicts of interest are clearly declared, e.g., employment, consultancy personal relationships and academic competition.

    f. Research involving human participants, human materials, or human data, must have been conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and must have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee. Research involving experimentation with human subjects or tissues must include a statement declaring that informed consent was obtained from the subjects or guardians for participation in the study or use of their tissue. Research involving experiments on animals must demonstrate whether an institution's guide, a national research council's guide, or any national law on the care and use of laboratory animals was followed. A statement including the name of the ethics committee and the reference number, and the Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval Report or Ethics Committee Report must be provided if applicable. If a study has been granted an exemption from requiring ethics approval, this should also be detailed in the manuscript.

    g. To notify the journal editor or publisher promptly if a significant error in their publication is identified and make retractions or give erratum if necessary.

    h. Three potential peer reviewers with detailed contact information should be provided (if any), who are experts in their field of study and will be able to provide an objective evaluation of the manuscript.


    This list is not exhaustive, and authors should be aware of local regulations and accepted norms within academic publishing society.


    Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers


    Reviewers are responsible for the professional review and will always

    a. Accept manuscripts with rigorous standards of academic excellence.
    b. Review submitted manuscripts objectively and timely.
    c. Treat a manuscript received for review as a confidential document; do not use or disclose information, arguments or interpretations contained in a manuscript under review.
    d. Alert the editor of any published or previously submitted content that is substantially similar to that under review.
    e. Point out relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors.
    f. Notify any potential conflicts of interest that may be concerned.

    For general guidance on reviewing a manuscript, see information for the reviewers. The details here are related to some specific ethical issues only.


    Ethical Guidelines for Editors


    Editors are responsible for the whole review process and will always

    a. Act in a balanced, fair and objective way without discrimination concerning sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, gender, ethnic or geographical background of the authors. Editors have complete responsibility and authority to accept a submitted paper for publication or to reject it.
    b. Be assured that there is no conflict of interest with respect to manuscripts they reject/accept.
    c. Preserve the anonymity of reviewers.
    d. Deal with complaints properly, ethical or otherwise, according to our general guidance.
    e. Decide whether to publish an erratum or retract a manuscript directly depending on the nature and severity of the infraction.


    Ethical Guidelines for Publisher


    Zentime, as a responsibility Publisher, will always
    a. Ensure that all articles published meet the standards and requirements listed above.
    b. Ensure that any erratum, retraction, and/or clarification are published when necessary.
    c. Maintain the integrity of the academic record and follow high intellectual and ethical standards.

  • 版权和许可/Copyright and Licensing



    文章符合Creative Commons CC BY 4.0开放获取许可,允许其他人下载文章并在适当引用的情况下共享。这样可以最大化文章的使用和曝光,同时确保作者获得适当的知识产权保护。








    a. 由其他出版商发表作者自己的作品,且作者未保留版权。

    b. 大量摘录其他作品。

    c. 已发表过的表格、图片、插图、方案和艺术作品,如果它们未经修改或仅仅略有变动。

    d. 作者使用未获得版权的照片。

    For all articles published in Zentime journals:

    Articles are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, allowing others to download articles and share them only if they properly credit the authors and the publisher. This allows for maximum use and exposure of the work, while ensuring that the authors receive proper credit.

    If you have a specific condition that does not allow this license, please specify this to the Editorial Office of the journal on submission, and our editors will deal with it properly.


    For previously published content:

    Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use material owned by others. If a figure or table has been published previously, copyright permission should be obtained before submitting the manuscript.


    Please note permission is required for

    a. The authors’ own work published by other publishers and for which the authors did not retain copyright.

    b. Substantial extracts from other works.

    c. Previously published tables, graphs, charts, schemes and artworks if they are unaltered or slightly changed.

    d. Photographs which the authors do not hold the copyright.