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ISSN: 2957-5435
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Aims and Scope

Precision Clinical and Experimental Medicine (PCEM) is an open-access, peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the fast publication of articles dealing with precision clinical study and basic experimental research. PCEM provides an international platform for researchers to share their innovative research findings and treatment experiences in various specialties of medical fields in the setting of precision and individualized medicine.

PCEM is primarily devoted to publishing high-quality original research papers in various fields related to precision clinical and experimental medicine which include but are not limited to cardiology, neurology, oncology, orthopedics, ophthalmology, gastroenterology pharmacology, bioinformatics, immunology, and molecular biology.

PCEM publishes not only original research contributions, methodological reviews and cases, but also publishes editorials, hypotheses and letters to editors as appropriate. The research may involve nonclinical or clinical studies and may utilize in vivo, ex vivo or in vitro approaches. 

Please join us in this open-access endeavor by submitting your high-quality papers for publication in PCEM.